Chapter 2 - The Escape

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"Marie," Lincoln said and attempted a smile as he leaned on the railing. "It's good to see you."

"What are you doing here?" she said with a frown on her face. "I thought you weren't coming. I wasn't even expecting to see you."

"How did you find me?"

Marie frowned. "Frank called me, of course. He shouldn't have to."

"Traitor. It was supposed to be a surprise." In more than one way.

A smile appeared on her face as she threw her arms around his neck and then ran her fingers through his hair. "Never mind that. I'm so glad you came. It'll mean at lot to my dad."

"I know. That's why I'm here."

Marie took a step back and put her hands on her hips, her eyebrows raised. "You're here for my dad? Not me?"

Lincoln laughed. She was cute when she pretended to be offended. "You know what I mean."

Marie returned the smile and glanced down at the crowd below. "I know. He'll be excited."

On the far side of the gallery, a door opened and a pair of security guards dressed in black suits and ties entered. Their earpieces were clearly visible even across the gallery.

"Who are they? Are they with you?" Lincoln said and nodded towards the guards as he felt a flutter in his stomach. Why were they up here?

"Just a security sweep. They've stepped things up for tonight's event."

"I can see that." Lincoln resisted an urge to glance towards the hidden rifle as his heart pounded the inside of his chest. How could he have missed the increased guard presence? If there were more guards up here, out of the public's eye, there was sure to be more throughout the mansion. Not good. If the guards approached on the left side, it would only be a matter of time before they saw the rifle.

"We should go downstairs, don't you think?" Lincoln gently took Marie's arm and led her towards the door.

Marie giggled and glanced at the guards. "Why? Nervous about being caught up here with me? Alone?"

Lincoln stopped, his hand already on the door handle. "Me nervous?" He waved towards the guards with a grin, then pulled Marie close and kissed her.

"Does that seem nervous to you?" he said as they separated.

"Lincoln! You're embarrassing."

"If you say so." He opened the door just as the guards split up. "Come on, let's get down there. I don't want to miss anything."

Lincoln's senses were on edge as they hurried through the second-floor lobby and descended the stairs. His exit strategy had depended on not being discovered in the chaos and confusion. Frank's call to Marie had compromised the whole mission. The additional guards could become the final nail in his coffin if he wasn't careful.

As they arrived in the first-floor lobby, Lincoln hesitated. The rifle would be discovered at any moment. What would happen then? Would the mansion be locked down and the guards come running?

"Lincoln? Are you coming?" Marie was halfway across the lobby.

"Yes, sorry, my mind was elsewhere."

The door opened up to a large library. Thousands of books lined the bookshelves mounted on the walls. A cozy seating area with a couple of couches and chairs were arranged around a large fireplace. As they passed it, they found a couple deep in each other's arms, completely oblivious to their presence. Marie snickered and glanced at Lincoln and winked. The rest of the library was empty.

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