Chapter 9: Hidden Feelings and Advices?

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Subaru's "POV"


*stop the alarm clock*

The heck. It's been 2 hours that I have gone sleeping. I have to shower and change my clothes before headmaster would get mad at me.

*goes to shower and changing clothes*

I should be in the stage before 4 am.

"Okay I should start jogging so that I could have enough stamina for rehearsals." I said to myself.

I've started jogging. It's been a week that we here in this island. Of course I couldn't forget the times that I am with Yume.

The heck. Why would I think of her? I have to stop thinking of her. Why? Because I don't know. I don't know if I have feelings for her or not. Every time I see her, I feel butterflies in my stomach and feel nervous at her. I don't know why but I have to stop thinking of her or I would hurt myself. Because her priorities is being the Top Idol career and being a member of S4. And also she is too dense and thick-headed to understand my feelings towards her.

"I should stop hoping that she will be mine after all of my efforts are wasted because she is too dense to understand my feelings towards her." I said to my self again.

"I think I'm in love with her but I should stop it."

It hurts you know. She didn't even knew that I'm in love with her. She didn't knew my feelings towards her.

"I'll continue being her friend as long as she is happy with someone else."

"Hahahahaha." Someone's voice.

The heck. Someone hears me. Maybe I should stop talking to myself. They'll think of me a weird idol.

I hide at the tree and find the person who laughed.

"Hahahahahahaha. Stop tickling me Laura-chan." Ako chan. "Hahahaha, i would stop tickling you until you tell me your problem with Kanata-kun. Laura stop tickling at her and Ako says that "We don't have a misunderstanding, Laura-chan." I already that she's lying because i've seen her fighting with Kanata and only Mahiru and me know of their situation but Ako didn't know that i have seen fighting in the meeting room before announcing the rules.

"Ako-Chan, do you have feelings for Kanata-kun? Nee?" Laura asked Ako. Ako blushed, very blushed at Laura like a tomato. I've just remember that I called "red tomato" to Yume. Ahhh. Why our memories come back to me?! I promise to myself that I should not love Yume. But it takes time to move on  right?

"E-ehhh?!" Ako shouted at Laura. "I don't have feelings with Kanata-Jun, Laura" Ako said to Laura without looking at her. "Hmmm.... are you sure Ako-chan? If you don't like him, then why are you not looking at me and why are you blushed?" Laura asked to Ako with a laugh.

Ako glared Laura and Laura stopped laughing at her. I already know that Ako is very sensitive girl, since she confess at me but I rejected at her because I tell her that I'm in love with someone else. She asked me that who is this special girl without crying at me. I tell her that this is a secret between us okay. She nodded at me and I whisper at her that I'm in love with Yume. She started shouting and having a tears of joy. She said she was very happy that I have found someone that I've fallen in love with but I tell her that I'm sorry that I rejected you and I tell her that I hope we can be friends. She said to me that of course and I will support your relationship with Yume. I asked Ako that if Yume has fallen in love with someone else. She said to me that I don't know Subaru-akin because Yume is too dense and thick-headed to know about love but I'll keep on eye on her so that I could know if she has feelings for you or someone else. She giving a hopeful smile that gives everyone hope in our life. I thank Ako for supporting our relationship with Yume. But I have to step up my game.

I came back to reality but I see Ako all alone but I think that Laura has a phone call and she excused herself to talk someone else. I've started walking towards her and she doesn't know that I walking towards her. Before she turned back, I cover eyes so that she could not know who cover her eyes.

"Hey!!! Who turned off the lights?! Laura, you better stop that or else..." Ako said but I silently laugh because she's so clueless. "Or else what bestfriend" I said and uncover her eyes and looking at me. She was very shocked that I was here. "Ehhh?!! Subaru-kun what are you doing here?!" Ako asked me. "Well I just wandering the woods and think of inspirations" I said to her. She laughed at me and said "Your inspiration is Yume" and she giggled. "But Ako..." I said to her. She looked at me worriedly "What's wrong Subaru-kun? Do you have a fight with Yume." She asked me. "No, we don't have a fight, it's just Yume stills not fell in love with me and I'm starting to lose hope at her." I said to her sadly. She slapped at me right on the face and said:
"Do not give up your feeling for her Subaru-kun because I already gave up my feelings for you to her. Do not give on her because she doesn't have any feelings for you. You just have to step up your game until she fell in love with you. Do not give up so easily because of that thing. You just need have hope in your heart that you still love Yume. Love stills wins and everybody supported your relationship with Yume and we started shipping you two. We kept it secretly so that you two could spend time together. You need patience in love Subaru-kun because it needs a right time to fall somebody like me, you and everybody else. You don't need to rush because of that and also don't be so selfish. Yume is still focusing her Idol Career and also you. You focusing your Idol Career and your love with Yume. Yume is still a thick headed girl and it takes time to think about it. So don't rush things like in concerts. Please keep loving her until the end. Stay with her when she's down. Please promise that you'll love her." Ako said to me crying because of what I did. I didn't expect her to cry so I give her handkerchief. "Do not tell that you've started moving one because Yume stills not like you. You have to wait patiently Subaru." Ako said to me with a tearful smile. And it all came back to me. Ako helped me many times but I still don't realised it. "I'm sorry Ako for everything and thank you for everything that you did for me and also to Yume but right now, I have to step up my game and I'll keep your promise Ako." I said to her. "But right now, i age to go and do something." I said to her and started running to another path to our dorm. 

Thanks for everything Ako. But I'll help you if I done with this.

End of Subaru's "POV"

Author's Note
I'm sorry that I didn't uploaded this sooner because of emergencies. I'll make it up to you by these story. I hope you liked it. Please continue read, vote and comment in my story. Sorry for wrong grammars. Thank you for reading this story. It really means a lot to me. I love you all. Wait Ako-chan helped Subaru-kun to win Yume's heart. So don't get the wrong the idea.

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