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Derek only came over to make sure I haven't escaped again and to make sure we haven't broke anything. Now I'm stuck in a cabin with Austin.

"So what do you want to do?" Austin asked turning to face me. "Really Austin? We already went over this I can't do anything I'm stuck here!"

"Jeez ok no need to get all defensive it was just a question." he said holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"How about we watch a movie?" he suggested.

"Fine as long as I get to pick." I smiled sweetly making him sigh in annoyance it finally giving in. I went over to the movie rack and started looking.

A walk to remember? No never really liked that one. The notebook? No seen it to many times. Safe haven? Maybe I just don't think Austin would like it.Wait why does he have all these chick flicks?

"Austin? Why do you have all these girly movies?" I asked trying not to laugh. I looked over at him and noticed his checks turn a light pink.

"Oh Roberts...yeah their Roberts." He lied. "Yeah okay. Robert totally seems like the type of guy to watch these type of movies." I muttered sarcastically rolling my eyes.

After debating between Safe haven or Evil dead I ended up deciding on Evil dead.

"I never picked you to be the type of girl to choose a scary movie over the notebook." Austin said putting the disc into the dvd player.

"And I never picked you to be the type of guy to watch chick flicks." I retorted. "Hey! I said those were Roberts!" He said tying to defend himself.

"Uhm okay." I murmured still not believing him. 20 minutes into the movie we heard a knock on the door making us both jump.

"Go get it." I demanded trying to get Austin to see who's at the door. "Noway you go!"

"No! I'm to-" I was cut off by the door opening making me scream and to grab onto Austin.

"Woah are we interrupting something?" I looked over to see the three idiots.

"Actually I was just going I bed." I said pushing myself off the couch and brushing off the non-existing dust. Facing the guys I said "I'll just be going to bed now." and walking out of the room.



So I have a new story 'Anon' it's only the prologue but I would like it if you would check it out! If you don't that's fine(:

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