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As I lead lily down the stairs I started to realize that if this was some other girl i would have been okay with getting rid of her but for some reason I just can't seen to let that happen now with lily. She's making me into a totally different person, the one i haven't seen in a long time, the one I didn't want to see anytime soon.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked looking at me. Geez it sure does seem like its taking us along time to get down the stairs. "Nothing special." I shrugged and we finally reached the end of the stairs. We walked into the living room still hand in hand where Addison sat.

"I hope you guys dont mind but I invited a few friends over." She said flipping through the channels not even bothering to look at us. Who could she have possiably invited over, last time I checked she left all of her friends when she decidied to move all the way out here. The doorbell rang which soon followed with banging once the person noticed that no one was answering it.

"Lily be a doll and go get the door." Addison demanded trying to be sweet. Rolling her eyes lily let go of my hand and went to the door. Following after to make sure it wasn't Derek or someone like that but it only was the chinese man.

"That would be 20 dollars." He spoke. Even though he was at least in his mid 40s he was still checking out lily. "Actually im not the one paying. Let me just go get her." She said pointing over in the living rooms direction. Sighing I walked over to them and got out my wallet and handed the old creep the money.

"Here, and next time try not to check out my girl."  I said watching him scrurry away and closing the door. Lily looked up at me with a confused look which I returned. "What was that for? He was just an innocent old man." She said punching my arm.

"If you saw the was he was looking at you then you wouldn't think he was innocent anymore." I said walking into the kithcen and putting the bag down. "I wouldn't blame him though, i mean look at me." Lily joked motiong up and down and i took that chance to check her out.

"Hey eyes up here perv."  She snapped. Shaking my head and smiling i started taking out the boxes. She really is something else. "Are you going to tell addison?" She asked taking the orange chicken.

"No." I said getting the same thing. She only nodded her head and took a seat at the island. i would think that she would protest and say how mean that is but she isnt very fond of addison either. We ate in silence, addison came in and told us that we were assholes for not telling her that food was here but other than that and me taking small glances in lilys direction it was pretty peaceful.

 "Did you know turtles breathe out of the butts?" LIly asked out of no where taking a bite of her chicken. Giving her a weird look i shook my head. 'Well they do." and thn it got silent again untill the doorbell ringed again.

"Finally i thought you guys would never show up." addison said and her friends began walking into the kitchen. "Yo what up man." A messy haired guy walked in who i noticed was Ashton. "Ashton long time no see." I said doing the awkward bro hug thing.

He noticed lily sitting there not knowing what to do. "Ah who might this beautiful lady be?" He asked looking at me waiting for me to introduce her. Groaning i said "Lily this is Ashton, Ashton this is lily blah blah." The thing is Ashton has always been a chick magnet and could be walking down the street and girls wouldnt stop staring so it makes me nervous that he might say or doing something to lily.

"Well lily you're in for one hell of a night."



this chapter was boring and i didnt know how to end it. Im just going to stop apologizing for mistakes you should know by now that im to lazy to re-read.

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