Shut Up

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       Ciel stared at the other child his age. They were looking around the room in curiosity, skipping around the room in excitement, and they were damn well distracting and annoying. Ciel looked up at his devil butler, in question, he whispered.

 "Who the bloody hell is this?"

Sebastian shrugged, "I checked through all of Englands files and the Americans files, nothing." Ciel stared at the child looking through his books, "Introduce me to them." Sebastian nodded and went over to them, whispering to them to be polite. The child smiled and bowed, in a giddy, "Pleasure to meet you! I'm (Y/N)," (Y/N) smiled, but behind their words, they were freaking out. This was legit! This was real, not some sick weird joke or prank. So they had to be on their best behavior, this was a demon butler and a child who rules over a huge business... they can both kill them, you know? Ciel nodded and introduced himself more cooly and mature, "I am Ciel Phantomhive, the pleasures all mine, but may my butler and I ask a few... questions?"

(Y/N) got nervous, "Yeah, shoot". Ciel raised his brow at the strange phrase,"... Where are you from?" (Y/N) smiled, "I'm from (Y/H), but I'm on vacation here...I guess" the teen whispered the last part, grimacing for having a poor excuse of a lie, anyone would say that! Ciel nodded slowly, "Who exactly are you?". (Y/N) paused, it wouldn't be best if they answered truthfully, but knowing that the butler can tell if they're lying, they twisted the truth a bit. "Well, I am part of a.. circus if you must say, and I ran away to do something with my life, ya know? Hence the uh, attire?".

And (Y/N) wasn't lying, they were the assistant for magic shows, extra credit for school, but they got bored from it so they wanted to find something else to do with their life, but had the restaurant for a part-time job. And besides, they needed an excuse for the modern clothes. Sebastian knitted his brows together, he sensed that they were telling the truth, but not telling it all Ciel closed his eyes, "Finally, why did we find you in my property?". (Y/N) froze, before acting embarrassed, finding an excuse.

"I tend to sleepwalk" (Y/N) forced themselves to blush. 

"Sleepwalk?" Ciel raised bot his brows in confusion. "Yeah! They circus once found me two towns away when they forgot to tie me down," (Y/N) started to laugh, remembering how their friend was in their neighbors' house while sleepwalking. Oh gosh, they miss her. Wait are (Y/N)'s parents ok? Are they going to miss them when they find (Y/N) out of the bed and gone?

Ciel coughed, signaling (Y/N) to pay attention. "Then I believe you should go, I'm done with you, and I have a business partner coming around soon--" 

"OH S***! REALLY?!" (Y/N) jumped, the Italian man was coming?! This is the first episode! Oh, thank gosh, they weren't going to miss anything! 

Sebastian looked at (Y/N) in surprise, what was all this excitement about? Ciel stared at (Y/N) in shock. (Y/N) re-balanced themselves, "Umm, sorry, I take business stuff, er, seriously?" (Y/N) looked around awkwardly, they blushed once more. Ciel sighed and shook his head, "Sebastian will take you back to your home, just make sure we don't find you here again." 

(Y/N) nodded and quickly asked, "Can I have your Poe books? I want to see if I can actually get scared with these." Ciel shrugged an nodded, "Yes, now leave, you are annoying me the bloody hell out of me!" Ciel shooed (Y/N) and Sebastian away. (Y/N) grumbled, "I guess some grumpy moody short stack of a pirate is on their period" Sebastian started to laugh quietly, surprised at the child's style of insults, he giggled in his head when (Y/N) made a few good insults under their breath, while they continued to walk to the carriage.

Sebastian turned around when they finally reached their destination and gave a hand to (Y/N) to help them up the stairs to the carriage. (Y/N) though did not seem to notice, and continued to walk up the carriage, their nose in the book, leaving the view of anything else gone, and Sebastian to the dust.

Sebastian recollected himself since he was ignored and looked like a complete fool, bowing and holding his hand out for no one. "Jeez, Sebastian, stop showing your bootay to the world, we have places to go!" (Y/N) stated through the window, as if scolding him. Sebastian stared at the child and went up to the driver's seat. "By they way Sebs,  can we go to the Undertaker?" (Y/N) asked Sebastian, giving him a nick-name. Sebastian looked at (Y/N) in confusion, but asked no questions.


No, but really, thank you for the few who do. Anyway, I want to sum up some confusion.

Ciel wouldn't have the reader for a maid/butler or another servant. Ciel already has enough trouble, so he wouldn't want more. He would only have the reader if he knew that they know the 'future'. Which they reader isn't telling, since, they would just be used and it could mess up the whole plot of the arts in the stories that come out in surprise, which would mess up more of the story plot and timeline. So there you go!


Black Butler x Modern! Child/Teen! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now