Yo corpses stink

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(Y/N) Pov

I honestly could not believe it, I was in a friggin anime! And no, not just any anime, not like the high school drama rom-com that other teens my age would watch after a breakup. No, this was the anime where anything could happen! Demons now exist, along with Angles, Devils, Grim Reapers, Werewolves and honestly, who knows what more? Or maybe is this the manga? Oh god, I have so many questions..... 

Also, how in the world did I get here? What happened? Did some magical portal drag me down to the other universe? With no reason or fault? Did they just bring down to this story of fanservice, (although really good), and adventure for no reason? Why me? I know this just HAS to be real... I felt pain from tripping on Ciels' grand God-forsaken stairs, (I can still feel it in my knees), so I know this is no dream, so what is this then? The adventure I have been always waiting for? 

It's also the fact that I'm away from my home, all alone with no experience. I now have no one to lean on. But I know who I can trust. I have watched this anime, like a cringe-worthy-pitiful-fan as much as any other. I know who I can be with, in the right time and place. I know everything. Now I just hope The Undertaker likes me enough...

"Are you alright Mx. (Y/N)?" Sebastian suddenly asked he seemed to have noticed me thinking. I looked down, putting my book beside me. I knitted my eyebrows, what should I say? I took a big breath and looked at him, straight in the red velvet eyes of the demon butler. 

"Do you who Alois Trancy is perhaps?" I asked seriously, and really could you blame me? I have to know if I was in the anime or manga. I needed to prepare myself, and I could start by knowing which world I was in.


"Well, I have to say, just between you and me, he is just surely a rotten brat" Sebastian shook his head, he just had to say it. Sebastian felt as if he could just relax with this stranger of a child. But he knew nothing of them. They could honestly just be the shell of the magic monster, and can quickly surprise-attack him. He promised Master Ciel to spy on them, see how they are connected to the magical force of a wave. 

Oh and then kill 


I then started to shift awkwardly in my seat, I can just feel the burning glare from the powerful demon. I can clearly hear all the voices in my head telling me that he is planning to kill me. I know he is, this is part of his characteristics, to protect his master for his soul. I internally cringed, that was worded disgustingly.

I looked out from the carriage window, interested to view all the vintage buildings. I was in history, or at least a fake history, but still! I started to get caught up in my thoughts again when Sebastian interrupted me.

"Do you believe magic is real? Not those illusions back in the circus, but actual magic?" Sebastian questioned, he did glance at me, but he continued to look out the window.

I knitted my eyebrows together, well no, but now in a world where it truly exists? 

"Who said that they were illusions?" 

I smirked at Sebastian, who only glared at me, in suspicion I presume. I started to laugh, "I'm joking Sebster, jeez, loosen up will ya?" I took a tear out of my eye from laughing too much. I always laugh too much, or too long. But darn did it feel good to laugh.

Sebastian stared at me in confusion, he mouthed the words 'loosen up' quietly, I guess he didn't get it. "Look Sebs, I'm.... pretty sure you know somethings up," I stared at him, finally stopped laughing. Sebastian look at me, focused, ready for talking about serious matters. 

I looked at him straight at his eyes, and he stared back at me to my (E/C) eyes. " If you hadn't noticed, I am suspicious of you...." Sebastian started, " Now, believe we should talk..." I soon interrupted him.

"What? About the elephant in the room, sure, I'll tell you my secrets..." I cleared my throat, " I use vanilla," Sebastian stared at me in confusion, and bewildered from being interrupted. He was quiet for a few minutes, good, before saying, "What?".

I smiled, I have to waste time before he asks the real questions. "Yeah, vanilla, that's how my hair is so gorgeous," I said casually, "Or do you mean my skin? Yeah, I use this lotion therapy thing, now my skins looks so much better, and in such a few weeks too!" I looked at the window quickly, 'Almost there'. Sebastian shook his head,  opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Sebastian worked his jaws together and looked outside. I smiled and pointed outside, "Aww, a kitty-cat!".

"Where?" Sebastian straightened in his spot and looked out the window in a desperate attempt to find the cat.

I started to laugh hysterically, "Oh my god you FELL for it!" I started, " Oh, I love this dude...", and I didn't end my giggling fit until I noticed how Sebastian's nails sharpened... "Uhh..." I looked around awkwardly, I mean, I didn't want to get killed! "Well, *cough* I um ermm...Look there's my stop!" I started to get out of the carriage, the tense atmosphere was too hard to even breath in. As I took the first few steps, Sebastian grabbed my wrist. A shiver ran up my spine, not from his cold hands, but from the tight deadly grip of the demon, like greeting the hand of death. Taking a few quick breaths I looked behind me, forming a tight smile. Sebastian stares straight into to my quaking eyes, his were stone cold. "Y-yes?" I asked, Sebastian started to tightened his grip, hurting even more than before. The cunning demon smiled and let go of me, he seemed satisfied. 

I fell down the steps, losing my balance from the sudden loss of contact. I quickly stood upward and being the brave mood changing person I was, I stared down (well up from the height difference) the butler from his tactics. "Your a weird demon" I stated without thinking and quickly walked towards the shop, wanting to avoid him as much as possible. I opened the door to the sound of the bell swinging from the door. It was dead silent at first. "Hello, there dearie~!" 



Hey guys, sorry for not updating in like a....*checks the story* long time... 

I was very busy with school and the holidays and friends and family, you know... the usual excuse... And if you haven't noticed this is a gender neutral story, hence the  'Mx.' so whatever the gender you are, just fill it in, haha!

Hope you like the story!


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