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Upon waking up, Hyunjin felt an immediate pounding in his head, an almost unbearable pain. Seungmin sat right beside him, glancing at his leg.

With a loud groan, he tried to sit up, only to retaliate back into a lying position due to the pain that shot through his entire body.

"What the heck happened?" He asked, unintentionally glaring at Seungmin, who raised his hands in defence.

"How am I supposed to know? One second you were just normally speaking in a foreign language, next you were possessed or something, chanting something in a demonic language..."

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows to remember what had happened but was quick to stop when his pounding headache returned.

"Slow down, Seungmin. I couldn't get half of that and what do you mean by 'demonic'?"

"I'm not really in the place to say a demonic language because I've never heard one before. But I do know it was the definition of creepy and seemed somewhat evil to me."

"So... What was I doing? And how does it involve demons?" Hyunjin forced himself to sit up despite the pain.

"You don't remember?"

"No, I don't. And it would help if you reminded me. Last thing I can remember is having pork ribs for supper and the only reason I remember that is because that was some pretty good meat. The best I've had."

Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"So you don't remember anything after that? Not even what Eunbyul said?"

"What did Eunbyul say?"

"Wow, it really messed you up..."

"What messed me up? What did Eunbyul say? And lastly, what the heck happened, Seungmin? I have a pounding headache and my body feels like it was chewed up by a cow, regurgitated, then chewed up again. Just tell me everything and end half of my suffering."

"You attempt black magic."

"I did what?" He stood up too quickly, resulting in him instantly falling back on the bed and groaning ten times louder as he pulled his limbs closer together in an attempt to ease the pain.

Seungmin simply watched the boy, not exactly knowing what to do. Once Hyunjin seemed to be in less pain, the other boy sighed and sat on his bed.

"You attempted black magic and I guess something went wrong. I was worried sick! The whole room became dark and the light even broke.

Then you started to hover over the ground, the candles blew out but there was this dark but visible light surrounding you. Your eyes opened but they were completely black and blood started pouring out of your mouth. I tried shaking you, pulling you to the light and banging stuff.

Nothing worked so I called Wonpil. You are so lucky we have a witch in here. Otherwise you would have been long gone. Don't ever do that again!"
"You think I want to?" He groaned. "I feel a whole hundred times worse than I did when I was bitten by a king soil-eel last year!"

Seungmin shivered at the memory.
The soil-eel had large, sharp blue teeth and a rough black tongue that seemed to have ten-thousand mini needles attached to it.

Hyunjin had vomited that week that he lost twenty kilograms by the end. His veins were also popping all over the place and were an ebony colour. It was terrifying to say the least.

"Just saying, though. I know you'll still be tempted."

"You think I want to mess with black magic? I have to. I feel like it's trying to tell me something..."

"We have a kingdom full of beautiful girls who would kiss a hairy giant's butt for you. Why do you think that one girl you've been dreaming about has anything above them. You don't even know how she looks like, needless to say, you don't know her name."

"I can just feel it. She meant something to me at some point."

"What does she even have to do with black magic? Why don't you just patiently sleep it out until you get a glimpse of her?"

"Because something tells me I'm not supposed to see her... That we aren't meant to met each other."

"Then that's that, I guess."

Hyunjin shook his head.

"You don't get it. I need to see her... I need to met her."

"Why does it matter so much?"

"Because I know that at some point in time I met her. And she met you guys."

"Now I'm incredibly worried about what the black magic did to your brain."

"Hear me out, Minnie. Whenever I dream of it it's like a lucid dream but more realistic. Like I was actually there... You just won't get it until you feel it."

"I guess I won't then," Seungmin grinned at the older boy's annoyance.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"You know, sometimes I really hate you."

"Flattered," the other joked. "What did you even see when you were in your 'trance'? Did get any answers?"

"Don't think so... I really don't remember anything."

Seungmin shrugged.

"Anyway, Eunbyul said she wanted to meet up with you whenever you have time. Should I tell her you're up now and she can come?"

"Will Suzy be there?" He asked, half excited.

The other prince chuckled.

"You're crazy for her, aren't you?"

"Am not. I just... Enjoy her company."

"Whatever. I'll go call them. See you."

And with that, he left.

I really had no idea how to end this chapter, so sorry. Hope you are enjoying this story so far though. Also hope you enjoy your day... Or night... Or whatever time of day it is for you.


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