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Day 1: Do you celebrate Christmas?

My Answer: Yes

"Again?" Mark asked, sipping on his caramel milkshake.

"Again," Alex stated. "And this time I'm sure of it. It was so loud... And so familiar. It has to be a sign."

"I don't know about this. It all just seemed so creepy. This is the fifth time you've had a sign that everything is going to change. And five is a number you've also seen or heard a lot."

"That's not all," she whispered, stirring her coffee milkshake with a straw. "I have a confession. I haven't entirely been telling you the truth for the past few weeks. I've just... Been a little freaked out by all of it."

"Come on, you can tell me. You can tell me anything."

She took a deep breath before sliding her phone across the table.

"Look at the date on it."

Mark did as she commanded and almost chocked on his milkshake.

"After I passed out on the streets the earlier this month that's been the date. It has been like that since I woke up to now. I've tried changing it but it never works."

Fifth of May 0505.

That was the date on her screen.

"And I also heard someone call my name. The voice was familiar but I know for a fact that I wouldn't have known who it was. But the first thing a thought of a name of a girl. Eunbyul, I think it was. I don't know who she is but she's closely related to all of this. I know it," Alex added.

Mark was still in a daze as he stared down at her phone so she took it as another chance to talk.

"And I'm not sure if this has anything to do with anything but I saw a white horse standing on its hind legs. It was strange."

Mark sighed as he ran a hand slowly through his hair then slid her phone back towards her.

"I'm not even going to sugarcoat it, I'm worried for you. Worried isn't even the word. I'm terrified, horrified, petrified, whatever word works. I don't think you are safe."

"I don't think so either. I've talked to my parents about it. My dad thinks I'm overthinking it and my mum thinks my brain is messing with me because of too much time behind a screen."

"And your brother?"

"Charlie has been busy recently. I haven't found the right time to talk to him about it."

"You need to talk to somebody about it. I feel sick just thinking about you being on your own in that room."

"I can lock the doors and windows. Nothing can come in that way, right?"

"Unless they break one of them."

"I'd wake up then. And so would my family. I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? You could also stay at mine."

"I'll be okay, Mark... Speaking about homes, I have to go. Mr Daygreen gave us a whole twenty-five pages to read for tomorrow. We have a quiz."

"Argh, I hated History with that man."

"Yeah, me too. Anyway, bye."


And she left.


It was almost ten at night when Alex finally finished studying History and doing some.other bits of homework she had. It was dark outside and a cool breeze blew in through her window, making her remember what she told Mark.

Instantly, she closed the window and locked it then looked at the door.

She was so close to locking it but there was a knock on it just before she did.

"Honey," her mother's voice came from behind the door. "I left your dinner in the fridge so you can heat it up and eat it when you finish studying, alright? I'm going to bed and your father is going to a meeting soon. If you don't want salmon, I left my wallet where I usually leave it. Feel free to order some food."

"Ok, mum. Thanks," Alex responded then heard her mother leave.

Once she was sure he mother was in her room, Alex finally headed for the kitchen.


"You have to come!" Lori said over the phone. "Everyone is going to be there!"

"Everyone but me," Alex replied as she stuffed a doughnut in her mouth.

"Please, Alex. Just this once."

"I have a Physics test the next day, Lori. And I'm already behind because of stupid accounting."

"Stop worrying about your grades, for once. Start living life a little, would you?"

"If I stop worrying about my grades, I won't have much of a life in the future. I need to go to a really good university if I ever want to become a successful physician. And my physics grade depends on that. The partying can wait until after my career skyrockets," Alex said before hearing the sound of the front door unlocking and opening. "Oh, got to go. Charlie just arrived."

And just like that, the call ended.

"What are you doing down so late?" Charlie's eyes widened upon seeing Alex.

"I can't sleep until after half eleven."

He only laughed as he ruffled her hair.

"That will all change once you enter university. I sleep wherever, whenever. I almost fell asleep on the walk here from the bus stop," he grinned.

"Talking about universities, I applied for about ten and haven't had any feedback," Alex sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll get into at least on of them. Just keep your grades up and you'll probably be accepted into all of them. I promise."

"I'm still not that confident. What if all my hard work wasn't enough?"

"It is, I know it is. Get some sleep, maybe it will help clear your mind."

"I hope it does," Alex mumbled though she knew it would do anything to help.

Truth is, deep down she knew things will be worse when she wakes.

That's why she locked her door before she went to bed.

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