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Breakfast around the table was quiet. Only the Third Queen and her daughters ate royal breakfasts. Everyone else had dog or cat food except for Changbin who had their crumbs. Bare in mind the princes and princesses are still humans just in animal bodies so none of really liked the breakfast.

"Where is that petty excuse of a cook?" Queen Eunha yelled, staring at the rest of the kitchen staff.

"We don't know, Your Highness. We haven't seen her for almost a whole day," one of the other cooks mentioned. "Last time we saw was yesterday lunchtime-"

"Queen!" One of the llamas ran into the dining hall. "Your Majesty!"

"Ew! Get out here you sickening view! The last thing I want to see the morning is a stupid llama!" The Third Queen ordered.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but something terrible has happened."

"I agree! You're ruining my breakfast! Get out."

"The Fifth Prince is gone!"

The Queen froze.

"What? You were meant to guard the place!"

"And we were! He never came out of the door. All we found was the cook, Soojin, tied up in his cage, Sungjin and some person we've never seen before. I bet he's a witch."

"A witch? You mean Jinyoung. Did you catch him? Is he here? How I've wanted to kill that witch all my life-"

"It's not Jinyoung. I would know him if I saw him. I don't know who it is."

"Bring him here at once!" The Queen stood up. After a few minutes the llama returned with Jackson in shackles.

"Who are you?" The Queen snarled.

"Jackson," he introduced himself. "You must be Queen Eunha. I've heard a lot about you. What a displeasure to actually meet you."

"Excuse me? I think you meant pleasure," she corrected.

"Wait... What did I say?" He asked.


"Oh, okay... Then I meant what I said. It's a displeasure."

A few of the princes and princesses laughed, earning glares from Hyuna and the Queen. Eunbyul kept her eyes on her still-full breakfast plate.

"I could kill you at any given moment," she told him in a threatening tone.

"Do it then. I'd like to see you try," Jackson smiled at her.

The Third Queen snapped her fingers and soon a sword was pushed through Jackson's stomach. The witch simply looked down at it and laughed.

"Nice try but don't you know you can't kill a witch outside of his original planet?"

"You're not from here?"

"I'd kill myself if I was from here and had you as my Queen. I would literally look for all of the ways to die the slowest most agonising way because would be a lot less suffering than following commands."

Once again, the rest of the members chuckled, Eunbyul joining.

"Shut it! I'll turn you into a rat."

"Once again, you can't do that. You should really read your witch books more."

Queen Eunha huffed as she fixed her crown stood up.

"Guards, lock him up."

The guards began to drag him away but all Jackson did was teleport out of the shackles and in front of the Queen.

"That's not going to happen around here, got it? You're going to sit down and follow my commands for a change," he pushed her into her seat. "Otherwise I kill you."

The Queen gulped.

"Good," Jackson smiled. "Turn all of them back to humans."


He glared at her, his eyes turning green. This was a common feature of Skilten witches. If they stare long enough, they can make a human's head explode.

"Fine." And she did so.

"Now the staff and servants."

She did so.

He paused for a moment, searching around the table then turning to the Queen.

"Changbin too."

The Queen glanced at Hyuna before shaking her head.

"He was out with my daughter. He deserves to be a cockroach."

"You turned everyone in the Palace into animals, scarred Hyunjin for life and tried to kill the King and all the queens. You deserve to be a speck of dust but you aren't, now are you? Turn him back or you become a speck of dust."

"No," the Queen stood up. "And I will not be listening to you anymore-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he turned her into a speck of dust then turned Changbin back into human.

"Dang, we missed the whole party, did we?" Hyunjin entered laughing. "Does that mean I made this potion for now reason?"

"We'll use it later. Jackson got too carried away," Jinyoung told him before turning to the servants. "Clean this floor completely. She could be any of these specks of dust so I don't want any left behind and when you're done. Throw them in one of the cells."

The servants immediately did so.

"My mother!" Hyuna shrieked.

"She'll be fine. I made sure the spell would wear off after twenty-four hours," Jackson brushed it off before turning to Jinyoung. "Shall we go?"

"Go where?"

"We still have other things to fix," he reminded him.

"Oh right." Jinyoung turned to Hyunjin. "Listen to everything JB has to say for now, okay. We have to go. See you soon?"

Hyunjin nodded and they immediately teleported away.

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