1: the beginning

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You stop walking to catch your breathe. You just HAD to get put on the fourth floor, and the elevator HAD to be broken.
you grunt, pulling your suitcase up to the step you were on.
you check your phone, it was only 12:00. it felt you had been climbing these stairs for forever.
you shove your phone back into your cardigan pocket and haul ass up the stairs.
Finally you reach the fourth floor, walking down the quite hallway, looking at the random "keep our dorm clean" and "no bullying" posters.
turning the corner to come face to face with your dorm room.
room number 409 (a/n I originally wrote 420 lmao, okay keep reading-)
Digging in your pocket, you pull out the key you got from the front desk, you should probably put that on a chain or something so you don't lose it in the future.
you let go of your suitcase and put your purse on the floor too.
You open the door, fiddling with the lock for a minute.
finally the door swings open and you smile wide.
after grabbing your suitcase and your purse you walk inside, making sure to take your shoes off first so you don't get the freshly cleaned floor dirty.
You set down your suitcase and take a look around.
A bathroom was located to the left of the entrance hallway. It was equipped with a shower bath thing. A toilet of course, sink and a mirror above. Along with a few racks and shelves for towels and toiletries.
To the right of the entrance hallway was a coat rack with a place to put your shoes.
walking into the main area, you notice it was actually kinda big.
to the right is a kitchen, with a stove, fridge- and well anything you would find in a kitchen.
to the left, also in front of the kitchen was a living room sorta thing. It was small with a couch that could fit two- maybe three and a TV.
along with a fluffy grey rug under it all to complete the look.
You turn north, for your (e/c) orbs to see two doors.
'One must be a closet or something, the lady at the front desk said I will be living alone this year...' you think to yourself.
you open the door on the left, peeking in- just Incase. You never know, some crack head could be hiding in there or something
There was a bed in against the wall, a window above it and a small desk beside it.
you nod and shut the door, walking over to the other door and opening it.
to your surprise it wasn't a closet or pantry... it was another room.
It was the same as the other one, just with the bed on a different wall.
you step foot into this room, looking out the window and deciding that this room had a better view than the last one- even tho you didn't step all the way into the room you also just felt like this room was meant for you.
you walk back out of the room to get your luggage. you left some of your boxes with decorations and other clothes in your car, you wanted to see your dorm before bringing all your shit up.
you grab your suit case and bring it into the room.
After setting it down you walk back out of the dorm to get the rest of your stuff, dreading the walk up and down the stairs.

(Time skip)

F i n a l l y after like 30 minutes of getting all your crap up the stairs you were ready to start unpacking.
you started with your room first, taking out the small trinkets to decorate the shelves, the (favorite band), and (favorite show/anime) posters, and of course fairy lights.
Your room was a (f/c) and gray color scheme. The bed being (f/c) and the decoration pillows gray. You had a (f/c) tapestry with gray detailing that took you a while to hang up being your bed.

after hard working at your room you step back to admire your decorating skills. You gave yourself a pat on the back and walked out to the living room where you had boxes of other decorations for outside your room.
like more fairy lights you would hang around the TV and some cute throw pillows.

after setting down the last pillow on the couch you heard a knock on the door- then rattling. like someone was trying to open it up.
you raise a brow in confusion and walk over to the door. looking through the peep hole you spot a guy. He's at work with the lock, fiddling with different keys he had on a key chain. Earbuds in his ears- blocking out any extra sounds that will come his way.

You roll your eyes and open the door. He immediately looks up, shock written all in his ocean blue eyes. you look at him and tap your ears to signal him to take his earbuds out.
once he has done so you clear your throat, "what the fresh heck are you doing trying to break into my dorm room?" You ask the male. You hands resting on your hips.
his brows scrunch in confusion, "your dorm room?" He ask you.
You nod, "did I stutter? My dorm room" you repeat.
"I'm sorry- what?"
You growl in frustration.
Your (e/c) eyes travel down to his feet, boxes and a duffle bag, he's also wearing blue converse. you nod at the good fashion choice.
"My eyes are up here." You hear the male say as your eyes dart up to look into his blue ones.
He grabs his stuff and walks past you and into the apartment. You were still confused.
'Why is this fuck just walking into my dorm room like he owns the place?' You ask your self as you follow him in.
"What do you think you're doing?" You say to him as you angrily walk towards him.
"I'm going to my room" he answers back and walks into the room on the left.

you wait for him to come back out and he does so in seconds.
"Listen, I don't understand what's going on here. I was supposed to be living on my own this year... not with some dude.." you said.
"Yeah well, I was told the same thing." He answers you.
you rub your temples in confusion, "maybe the school board made a mistake and accidentally put us together- wait," you look at him, narrowing your eyebrows and looking him dead in the eyes. "Prove you're supposed to be here." You say harshly.
"Uh well.." he starts, digging in his pocket- probably for the key. He picks out a key and some paper work and tosses it over to you.
you nod- the key is right... and these papers do say room 409.
You sigh and hand him is belongings back.

"So then, what the hell are we supposed to
Do?" You ask him.

"I guess just put up with each other till the end of freshman year?"


Holy heck, I was rlly excited about writing this and honestly it was kinda hard to start.
If anyone has seen Good Morning Call you would understand the plot reference and the dorm room reference, I haven't watched it in forever tho lmao.

Anyways hope you enjoyed :)

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