9: the party

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  'I don't want to be here,' you think to yourself. taking a sip of your drink as you listen to someone from your school singing karaoke... horribly.

  keith had picked you up and you arrived at the party about ten minutes ago, everyone was already drinking and singing by then. lance left a while after you, arriving a little bit after you. you tried your best to not let your eyes wander over to him as he socialises with other girls. a blush creeps onto your cheeks as you think about what happened in the bathroom hours earlier.

  "what're you thinking about?" keith said in your ear, mainly because it was so loud you wouldn't be able to hear him any other way. he had his arm around your shoulder as you sit together.

  you didn't even realise you were staring off into space, letting your thoughts consume you. "oh. . . nothing much," you chuckle, "just about how horrible this persons karaoke is."

  the raven lets out a low chuckle, taking a sip of his own drink. the smell of alcohol fills the room, almost making you scrunch up your nose. you definitely didn't go to enough parties to be used to the smell.

  you lean back in your seat, bringing keith back with you. for some odd reason, your heart didn't beat as hard when he touches you now. not like it did earlier with lance. you inhale, trying to get that thought off your mind. this is a party after all, a time to let yourself go crazy and forget about everything.

  "how about we go dance a little?" you look up at keith who's eyes was fixated on someone in the crowd. but you couldn't make out who it was. but you stood up, grabbing for the males hand as the karaoke singer finally gets off the stage. regular music now busting through the speakers.

  you lead keith onto the dance floor, through the crowd of sweaty people grinding on each other. you spot a certain Cuban dancing with allura and another one of her friends. you roll your eyes, such a flirt.

  the music guides your hips with keiths as you both get a hold of the rhythm. moving gracefully as his hands find their way to your hips. for some odd reason, you wanted lance to look this way. for him to see you dancing with someone. maybe he would come over and want to dance with you.

  why're you thinking that way? is it because you're all flustered over what he did earlier for you? or is because you like the idea of having him. oh god, love is so complicated. you swore you liked keith. and you did. you really did. if you didn't you wouldn't be dancing with him. you wouldn't even be at this party. so whyre you so fixated on the lover boy lace?

  you were almost tore out of your own thoughts when keith grips your hips to get your attention. you look up at him, raising your eyebrows.

  "I think I'm going to get some more drink, want anything?" he says rather loudly so you could hear him over the music.

  you shake your head no and he nods, walking off. you continue to move your body to the music. really just vibing on your own while you wait for him to comeback.

  by now lance had definitely noticed you. his heart almost stopping at the sight of you really losing yourself to the song. the way your hips move so gracefully helplessly pull him in. but he can't go to you. he didn't even know how he truly felt about you, plus he's dancing with another girl right now. he inhaled, looking away from you and to Allura in front of him.

  what's taking keith so long? it shouldn't take someone this long to get punch. you sigh, not feeling the vibe of the music anymore as you wonder off to find keith. moving through the crowd again. squeezing through everyone.

  your eyes dart here and there. it's like he almost disappeared. he was no where to be found. so you kept searching, wondering off to where the music started to fade. to a little hallway.

Our Love is God { Lance x Reader - College AU }Where stories live. Discover now