7: invite

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Yikes it's been like, idk, since Christmas? Holy cow😂
Anyways I'm so sorry for not updating, usually I can't get on wattpad until after 10 and then I fall asleep before 9 so :))
But here I am now at 2 AM, making a crappy update :).

"A party?" You asked the raven haired male and you untied your apron.
"Yeah everyone is going- freshman to seniors."

"Hmmmm.. parties aren't really my thing tho." You replies as you hung up your apron, checking the pockets one last time.
"Aw come on (y/n) it'll be fun. You can come with me- if you don't like it I'll take you home."

You thought for a minute. Maybe you should go. I mean he is offering you to ride with him. You walked over to your purse and shoved all your belonging into it before putting on your rain coat.
"I'll talk to my room mate about it and then I'll text you."

The raven haired male seemed satisfied with your answer as he went to gather his belongings.

"I'll see you tomorrow keith!" You waved him goodbye as you walked out of the cafe.

Stepping outside you felt the cold air blow into your face and make your hair dance in the wind. The light drizzle of the rain pelts onto the ground and your head.
Clutching your purse to your side you run back to your shared apartment.

( Time skip )

"I'm back" You shout as you open the door.
You took off your wet boots and coat and put on slippers before making your way into the living room.

Of course.
Lance was on the couch, playing the same weird lion space game that you learned the name was defenders of the universe or something.

"Come on hunk! Shoot em!! Shoot em!" The Cuban yells.

Yikes it's prolly best to leave him alone.

You walked over to your bedroom, grabbing your phone and jumping onto your bed.

2 people: group name: the chickens

You: are y'all going to that party?

Allura: oh! You mean the one Romelle is hosting?

                                                         You: yeah..
Allura: heck yeah! Literally everyone is going to be there so I have to go.
Allura: why?

You: You know keith from work? Yeah eh asked me to go with him- or if I wanted to ride with him..
You: he*

Allura: omfg! Seriously? You have to go now! I believe that hottie lance is going to ;))

You: ew 🤢

Pidge: guys stop spamming I'm in the middle of a scientific breakthrough!

You laugh quietly at your friends and set your phone down.
Before you could even think about getting some nice sleep you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in.." You groan.

Light creeps into your room as the door creeks open to reveal a brown haired male.

"What is it lance?"

"Hey are you going to romelles party?"

What's so good about this party anyways. I didn't even know Romelle was a party person.

"I'm thinking about it. One of my co-workers wants me to go with him." You respond blandly to the Cuban.

You didn't notice but his face grows dim. Not because of the light.

"Oh. That's cool- I think I'm going to. I'm going alone tho.. the girl I wanted to go with is already taken."

That's tuff buddy.
It'll be okay tho uwu .

"Oh wow that harsh. You can prolly go with my friend Allura she thinks your hot."

The male didn't answer, you supposed he already left your room before you said it.

Lances pov

Dang it.
The brown lets out a sigh of defeat as he just basically got turned down by his own room mate.

He plopped down on the couch.

"Why can't I get her to like me?"

Yikes, this chapter prolly sucks haha.
Anyways guess what!!!

I went to comic con today!
I was super happy because I haven't really cosplayed since I quit tiktok. Follow me ;)) @ milky.cos7
Anyways here's some photos, not that u really wanna see my crusty face ew

cos7 Anyways here's some photos, not that u really wanna see my crusty face ew

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Our Love is God { Lance x Reader - College AU }Where stories live. Discover now