4: friends dont lie

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"Can I walk you home?"

The voice seemed to echo in your ears as you processed what was said to you. Your (e/c) hues looked up to the source of the voice and immediately widened when you say the same raven haired locks, this time they were let down from the low pony tail and hung just above his shoulders.

"Uh, sure!" You blurted out. Cursing yourself mentally for your awkwardness.

The male chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets, he turned on his heels and walked out. You following close behind him.

As the two of you exited the restaurant the sounds of cars honking and people chattering hit your ears. The sound of the city was always so nice to you, some people don't like it- I mean yeah it's loud and can be obnoxious- but it grows on you before you know it.

Grey orbs looked down at you, and a soft smile was curled onto the males pale lips.

"You sure are something.." he whispers.
You looked up at him with questioning eyes, "did you say something?"

"Oh uh- no I didn't." The raven started looking off to the side. "Anyways, where do you live? We can stop for coffee before I drop you off if you'd like."

You nodded in hummed in response, "I live in the Sunset apartments not too far from the university."

Keith nodded and started to walk in that direction. "That's perfect because there's a good small coffee shop near there."

Your walk with the male seemed short, maybe because you were having so much fun. The two of you would make small talk like, 'what are you majoring in?' And 'why did you decide to work in a cafe of all places?' Basic shit like that.
Y'all also joked around and got to know each other better.

Keith brought you to the small coffee shop, it was warm inside and you sighed feeling the heat consume you. The colder seasons were coming soon and you definitely were not prepared.

Keith ordered a black coffee and you made the joke of 'just like your soul', he laughed- but not as hard as you intended him to.
Maybe the joke wasn't that funny.

You ordered a simple ice vanilla coffee.

After getting your orders, you and Keith walked back out and headed to your apartment.

You silently prayed that he wouldn't ask to come in- and if he did that lance wouldn't be there.

As you walked the sun was started to set. The wonderful orange, pink, yellows, and purples filled the sky. You stopped to admire it, you even got your phone out to take a photo.

Keith looked down at you again. "Does it really look that pretty?"
"Of course it does!" You hissed back at him and put your phone away.

The male simply rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.

As you neared your appointment door you dug around for your keys. After finding them you fiddled with the door lock but successfully opened it.

You turned back around to face Keith.
"Uh.. thank you for the coffee, Keith."

He nodded and patted your head. "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow at work okay?" The male took a step back and waved at you.

Our Love is God { Lance x Reader - College AU }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon