6:I think..

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I just wanted to say that this will be some sort of filler kinda chapter just to understand Lances feelings

(Lances POV)

I don't remember when it started.. I guess just waking up everyday to see silky (h/c) locks tied up into the messiest bun I've ever seen- but hell she still manages to pull it off.
or maybe when she made me a cup her "special" coffee for the first time, god was that amazing.
But why am I just now realizing how cute she is?

We've been living together for a while, 5, 6 months maybe? We just finished the first semester and got out for winter break so... maybe.

I walked out of the bathroom that morning, running my hands through my wet hair. I looked up and noted a tuff of the same old (h/c) locks I've grown so fond of.

You could say me and (y/n) have grown closer. We talk a lot- binge watch shows.... study together- but not anymore schools out haha. And I thought her how to play my PS4.

I walked over to the couch where she was located. Sitting down beside her, once I sat down I started shaking my head- throwing water everywhere. Like a dog.

"What the hell lance!" (Y/N) shouts wiping water off her cheek.

I laugh and lean back, draping my arms over the back of the couch and looking up at the female.

She had on round glasses— that I didn't know she needed — and was drawing something.

"Agh- look what you've done." She says wiping water off her sketch book, ink smearing a bit.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry (N/N)"

"It's fine, I didn't like this piece anyways." She says sighing, I could tell she was a bit disappointed but would let it go sooner or later.

The female leaned back into the cousin, closing her eyes with a hum.
I couldn't help but stare- I mean,, she looked magical.
Like some angel that's been sent to watch over me.

There was still a lingering water drop that was trapped in her long lashes, so without thinking I reached over to wipe it off.


Before I could get closer than a couple inches from her face her soft hands grab my wrist and her (e/c) hues open faster than I've ever seen.

"What do you think you're doing lover boy?" She says, her warm breath hitting my arm.

I stutter a bit, saying stupid 'um' s and 'I-'s
I could feel my cheeks turn rosy.

"Aw look! I made the lance McClain blush!"  Her voice rings in my ears and I couldn't help but blush more.

Before I knew it she was up and off the couch, heading to her room to change for work maybe...


—- —-

Agh I hope this is okay! I'm tired.
Merry Christmas guys! Or Hanukkah Kwanzaa idk 😅
Happy Holidays

Even tho it's not even dec. 25th for me 😂 

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