Chapter 1 : Double Date

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"come on hyung?" He kept begging " please just this once. Please I promised Wheein I'd bring you along. Please hyung it won't mean anything. It's just like going to play."

"I don't want to. You go and have fun with both of them. Don't bring me into your things." Namjoon said firmly

"Hyung it'll look bad and hwasa will be third Wheeling. " Taehyung stated

"Why did you promise I'd go?" Namjoon said in an upset tone

"Because she would of stayed home alone and I didn't want her to third wheel us. Oh come on hyung it won't do no harm to no one just this once please ? Yeah? Hmm? Yeah? Hyung!?!.... " Taehyung began using aegyo and Namjoon gave in to him

"Fine but just this once.!" He warned him and Taehyung nodded happily " never again!" He repeated and Taehyung smiled

*Meanwhile at wheeins appartment*

"Come on Hyejin-ah it'll be fun. Please do it for me." Wheein begged

"Why should I? It'll be weird! I'm not close to him at all! Besides how are you so sure he wants me there?" Hwasa asked crossing her arms and tapping her foot

"Ahhh Hyejin-ah please take is just trying to help him about Hyejin. After she disappeared again without a goodbye he has been decaying slowly and he hasn't been writing music anymore. Help me help take help Namjoon Oppa. Please you can bring happiness on people. Let's help bring him happiness back."

"Fine but only this once. No more!" Hwasa said pointing her index finger at her as a sign of warning.

*At the Soonie Cafe*

"Tae!!" Wheein yelled running to her beloved boyfriend "I missed you" she said giving him a peck

"Me too Bebe" they were about to kiss again when they heard someone clearing their throat

"You don't?" Hwasa exclaimed as she took a seat in front of Namjoon. "Hello Oppa" she greeted him happily

"Hwasa-ssi have you been well?" Namjoon asked

"Ah yes how about yourself Oppa? How have you been" she asked back

"I been well though this kid has been annoying me alot lately " Namjoon said pointing his head towards Taehyung who was at the counter with Wheein ordering their drinks

"Quit talking about me hyung! It's not nice!" Taehyung yelled as he heard him

"Yah!!! Why are you yelling at me I'm your hyung! Don't forget" Namjoon told

"Oppa don't get mad at him you know how he is" Wheein defended him

Namjoon sighed " you know tae you are one lucky guy to have someone like Wheein by your side. She is always defending you and is always on your side no matter what." Namjoon said with a bit of a sad tone but looked up as he felt a hand on his.

The hand felt warm, gentle and soft. He felt as if someone familiar was holding into his hand.


"Oppa?" She called softly placing a hand on him "are you okay?"

"Why do I feel like this is a goodbye?" He asked in a serious yet sad tone. As if he knew what would happen. He turned to face her, looking into her eyes he asked " this isn't a goodbye right?" Placing his other hand on hers while squishing it tightly

"Oppa...." She said softly "don't think like that." She said moving closer sitting next to him now. She leaning in placing her forehead into his staying quiet for a few seconds before hugging him. "Today will not be our goodbye Oppa." She looking into his eyes "I promise she assured him" and he smiled feeling relieved.

*End of flashback*

"Oppa?" She called camly the same way she once did. He turned to her hopping but realizing it wasn't her. " I'm not her Oppa." She said assuring him "I'm really sorry but I'm not her. And I will never be her. I'm sorry. I know my name is her name but I'm not her" she said feeling bad for him

He smiled at her "i know " he said " you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine Hyejin-ssi" she smiled at his words as she began to take her hand away but she stopped as she felt him grip on it. "Can you ...." He paused

"Yes Oppa" she said understanding what he was trying to say. "But just don't do this too often " she said as her grip on his hand got thighter and he smiled knowing he could use her as an excuse to feel as if it was her.

"Here you go" the waiter said as he placed the tray on the table in front of everyone. "We have once frappucino, one iced Americano, one late and a funky monkey. And here we have two coffee cakes, one cheesecake, and a crape. Does it all look right?" The waiter asked and Taehyung nodded as he handed Wheein her cheesecake and iced Americano.

"Thank you " they all said together. Hwasa reached over for a coffee cake and the funky monkey as Namjoon looked at her in disbelief.

"What ?" She asked Namjoon as she noticed he was staring too much.

"No nothing. " He said and turned to Taehyung " I'm sorry tae but I think I have to go." He turned to hwasa and Wheein "sorry see you next time" he said and bowed

"Hyejin-ah would always get that when they came together. Hyung would try new things but she would always oder the same. He must of been shocked seeing you have the same thing." Taehyung explain and both Wheein and hwasa suddenly felt bad.

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