Chapter 5 : Jiyong (GD) & Chaerin (CL)

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"hello ?" CL answered the phone

"chaerin-ssi? im so sorry to call at this time but ..."

"its okay." she said with a big sigh "im on my way" and before she hang the call she said in a very worried and sad tone "dont let him drink anymore please."

*within 20 minutes she arrived at the bar*

cl walk right in the body guards at the entrence didnt stop her. she was a regular and of course she was yg too. one of the guards opened the door for her saying "all the way on the far left" and with that cl entered knowing just where she had to go. as she walked down the hall she saw the place was empty. it was already 2am so they were closed already and she knew he had refused to leave and that is the reason she got the call.

"chaerin-ssi" the bar tender called and pointed to gd's spot, she nodded after spotting him and walked over after taking a deeap breath.

"oppa!!" she called and he lifted his head. one eye closed and another semi closed. he pointed his index finger at her andmade a surprised face "ohh" he responded as she stood there looking down at him with sad eyes. cl was in pain seeing him like that. she knew why he was there and she knew in how much pain he truly was. she was in pain too but because of him she was unable to express it well.

"lets go oppa" she said placing her hands around him and pulling him up. he was too drunk to refuse. she dragged him out and with the help one of the guards gd was inside her car. "thank you" she told the guard and drove off. "should i take you home or not?" she asked out loud taking a glare at him but more to herself then him. he moved aroung hugging a head pillow she had in her car " definetely not" she answered herself "you wont be able to handle yourself tomorrow. im taking you with me!" she said so sure of herself and turned her car around heading to her apartment.

they arrived within 40 minutes since she had to turn around as she was already heading to his apartment. "oppa come on help me a bit" she said struggling to carry him up the stairs "fuck!" she cursed after placing him down on the stairs to take a rest " out of all days did you really have to get drunk today!?!" she asked him but again more to herself in a really frustrated tone. she was tired and hated seeing him in that state. but mainly she hated herself for not being able to ease his pain "fuck you jiyong!" she called finally letting go of her anger " why do you always do this? dont you know how much you are hurting others around you!?" she grabbed him again and began up the stairs once more " today of all days the elevator had to breakdown!!" she kept complaining

"let go!" gd suddenly said pushing cl away and headed down the stairs. cl stared at him he was walking perfectly all of a sudden. as he walked down he suddenly stopped. his back facing her and she just stared at him unable to understand who he went from dead drunk to normal within seconds.

"oppa?" she called softly and begand walking down the stairs

"dont" he called and she stopped her steps "why are you helping me? "

"because i care oppa"

"you dont care" he yelled turning to her and it caused her to flinch back. he notice how scared she got and he lowered his tone "i heard you complaining... if its so hard to take care of me then dont do. its not your responsibility"

"yes it is! oppa you are my responsibility. the moment we got together you became my responsibility"

"yes. " he paused looking down. he faced her again "that was when we were together!" he said feeling his own heart hurt at his words. cl's tears began filling her eyes as she felt every single word that had just come out of him hit her slowly one by one

"we are still together "her words came out shockingly

"chaerin-ah" he said walking up regreting what he had just said. knowing he had hurt her once again.

"dont!!" she called out and the tears began falling down and he ignored her coming closed "dont i said! get away! just go!" she yelled in tears and began running upstairs.

once she reached her apartment she took out her keys to unlock the door. her hands were shaking so badly and the tears in her eyes werent allowing her to see clearly. she dropped her keys accidently and just when she was about to reach down someone else beat her to it.

"i said dont!" she yelled turning around but to her surprise it wasnt gd who had picked up her keys "oppa?" she called and hugged him tightly as she let her tear flow down completely. "oppa." she cried and he just cressed her head slowly allowing her to cry in his arm "oppa...he... he.." she tried speaking

"its okay chae" he said "its okay let it okay. oppa is here dont worry. its okay" he said still cressing her head

"let go of her" gd suddenly yelled at both cl and the guy stopped consoling cl as they both faced gd who was very angry at the sight of them hugging

"ji calm down."

"dont tell me to calm down. i saw how you hugged her.." gd said very angry as he approched them. he grabbed her wrist and took the keys from him and oppened the door quickly pushing her inside and himself closing the door behind him. "what do you like him now? wow you really are something! that quick you move on? wow you just like all those..." he stopped his words as her felt her slap penetrate his face. he turned to her shocked

"get out." she said firmly. she was angry and hurt "go and never come back."

"chae.." he called after realizing what he had mentioned with his words "im sorry. look.."

"dont!" she cut his words "just go." she oppened the door "go and dont come back. i dont want to see you again!" she said firmly and gd knew that right now wasnt the best time to talk so he did as she asked and left.

cl shut her door. right after closing the door she fell into the ground in tears. she cried and cried. she was hurting like him too but not once did she act the way he did. she too love hyejin. she too missed her and had a lot of regret for what happened but not once did she take her anger out on other and specially not him. but him, he seem to always take it out on her, he would always drink, he would always hurt her with his drunken words and she still stayed with him. but today was the last. cl was beyond hurt, she felt destroyed.

she decided she would take care of the girls and herself from now on. she wont see him anymore and would ignore him when ever he called. the girls need her just as much as he probably did but because of him she only focused on him but she decided that would change starting now. the girls would be her priority from now on.

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