Chapter 2 : Back to models

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"yah!!! get yourself together!" the photographer spoke very angry "if you dont want to do this then just say that and we'll end it here. but be honest with me dont act stupid" he spoke angrily as his tone got louder and louder.

"sorry" she bowed " ill focus more and try harder im sorry " she bowed again " im so sorry everyone " she bowed to everyone in the room including her members

"unnie take a break and come back when your ready." hyemi told her in a concerned tone and she nodded walkinf off the set

"nona are you okay?" kangjoon asked worriedly and she nodded

"where is sera unnie? " she asked looking around unable to find her on the set

"roof" sungah asked walking into the set for her turn with hyemi

she headed to the roof. once at the roof she spotted sera and walked over to her. sera sat on the table that was there. it was an old table. it seemed as it would break down any second now. the table was old, the paint was all scratched and it shrieked at any sudden moment. but that old table held a lot of memories for the girls and its the reason to why its still there and hasnt been thrown away. when she reached sera, she placed a hand on her shoulder to let her know she was there and took a seat infront of her.

"unnie are you okay?" she asked but sera just nodded "unnie are you sure.? its okay you can tell us. we are here to listen."

"kyungri?" sera finally spoke

"hmm" kyungri said widening her eyes as she look at her and she knew what she was thinking "unnie its okay. we all miss her too. but you know we must move on. its been a year now and look at us. how much longer are we going to be like this. we cant do anything right anymore. we cant even focus on our work. i mean look at me i keep messing up and the photographer done with me. we havent had a comeback because none of us can write lyrics at this time. she ...." kyungri stopped as she felt tears building up in her eye and turned to the side so sera wouldnt notice.

"i know" sera said placing a hand into kyungris knowing the reason why she stopped her words. she understood how they all felt and being one of the oldest she felt bad not being able to help any of them but she couldnt even help herself. she knew a lot of people were affected by her sudden disappearence and she hated how no one could do anything. she hated not having any news or sign of her.

"unnie" kyungri stopped her words as she turned to sera "we need to move on." she said in a frustrated tone "it not doing anyone any good. look at us all. look at namjoon-ssi. look at bobby-ssi. look at how everyone is because of this. i understand i do. we all, she was happiness to all and brought the best in all but she isnt here anymore. we dont know anything about her for a year now and we dont know if shes okay or just anything. we are suffering because we dont know. and we all need to stop.! " kyungri stood up and walked over to the edge of the building. taking deep breaths

"kyungri" sera spoke in a motherly tone placing a hand on kyungris shoulder

"dont!" kyungri said firmly

"kyungri" sera said again knowing that kyungri was in pain. sera and the rest of the girls knew kyungri was the one who was truely suffering the most. they all understood that kyungri love hyejin a lot and that to kyungri hyejin meant the world and that is the reason why she was always so protective. kyungri love hyejin like a sister, like her own child and she would of done anything and everything to protect her at all cost. if kyungri could of she would of traded her own life as long as hyejin was there with them. she would give the world up for her and they all knew that, which is the reason she was in the most pain of them all and its the reason why kyungri wanted to move on so quickly but she could. sera said nothing she just stood beside kyungri staring into the sky along with her with her hand on her shoulder waiting for her to react. they had all been waiting for kyungri to react and let go so they could all move on but she couldnt and she wouldnt. kyungri kept saying that they needed to forget and move on but she couldnt do that herself. she couldnt come to accept that she had disappeared in thin air leaving without a trace. no note, no sign, no goodbye, nothing. she left without telling anyone anything. and that was and is the reason why kyungri couldnt move on.

sera turned to kyungri who had suddenly turned her face down. sera knew that was the moment they had all been waiting for. she felt a big relief coming out of her chest as she understood kyungri had began letting go. she knew kyungri was starting to accept that there was chance hyejin wouldnt ever come back. kyungri began crying slowly, tears falling down her face. trying not to make too ovbious but it was impossible and she let out a big cry coming to realization that hyejin was gone and they probably would never see her again. sera heart crumbled seing kyungri in that state. even though they had all been waiting for that moment it was still too painfull to see. sera turned as she heard the rooftops door open. kyungri was crying so much she didnt heard it. kyungri dropped to the ground in tears and sera signaled everyone to stay quiet. they moved foward slowly and quietly as sera bent down to hold kyungri in her arm. seing kyungri let go of everything she had been holding in for a year sera remembered the day they found out hyejin was gone.

*flashback to the day hyejin disappeared*

'ding dong' the door bell ringed in the apartment but there was no response 'ding dong' it ringed again

"shes probably not home" hyemi said " lets come back later"

"what no!" euarin said " lets surprise her come on" she said opening the door " wow she hasnt changed the passcode"

"okay ill get the tape front her room" kyungri said "you bake the cake, you get the music, you get the decorations out, oh and unnie can you go to the convinience store down the street and buy strawberry ice cream?" kyungri instructed everyone and they all got to work

"why does it feel so empty?" sera asked and they all turned to her realizing that she was right

"kyungri?" hyuna called and there was no response "kyungri " she called again. they all looked at each other and ran in kyungris direction "kyungri??" hyuna called again but stopped at the door frame of hyejins room and the rest followed wondering why she had stooped so suddenly. "kyungri?" she called again seing her sitting on the edge of the bed with her back facing them. kyungri didnt turn nor did she say anything she just sat there in silence. hyuna decided to walk in closer and kneeled down infront of kyungri not saying anything. she looked behind kyungri and the closet was opened. her eyes widened seing the empty closet and turned to kyungri who was still not saying anything.

kyungri streched her hand out to her and hyuna did the same taking the hint kyungri was about to hand her something. and she did. kyungri handed her a bracelet. the bracelet had a star and a moon hanging from it and she looked up at kyungri

"its hers" kyungri finally said " its hers" she repeated and hyuna knew. she sat next to kyungri and just hugged her. they all waited for kyungri to cry but she didnt. she just stayed quiet in hyunas arms. and that was the moment they all knew she was gone. and at that moment they knew that kyungri would take time to accept it.

*end of flashback*

"its okay kyungri, its okay" sera said patting her back gently and the rest bent down with them and got into a group hug.

"she gone unnie" kyungri finally spoke " and she wont be back" kyungri paused and turned to all the girl "will she?" she asked and no one looked at her neither did they responed

"kyungri" sungah spoke but was cut off by kyungri herself

"i know...." she said understanding everyhting finally after a year " but it hurts. i couldnt do anything for her and now shes gone. i could help her, i couldnt protect her. i would give anything for her. i would of given her my own life as long as it meant she'd still be here"

"we know...." euaerin said "we know"

"but we couldnt do anything and you know she would of never let you do something like that. just like she meant everything to you. you meant that much and more to her. she left willingly because she wanted to spare everyone the pain of seeing her disapear slowly. she did what she thought was best for everyone and we must respect that. it was her desicion." hyuna said and they all nodded

" now we all have to accept it and move on" sera said softly and kyungri nodded standing up

"but first there is something i must do" she said and grabbed her phone walking to the rooftop door

sungah was about to follow her but she stopped as euaerin held her arm "she has to do this on her own. she will be okay" she assured sungah and she nodded understanding that kyungri had to go alone.

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