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 Miranda stands at my door with her sleep over bag. " Hi Miranda!!" I said so excited that she was  "Hi!" she replied looking equally excited. I started to turn around to go up the stairs to my room with her but she caught my arm and said "Hey Stella, do you want to see something outside?!?"  "Uh....sure...." I said not really sure how else to react. I mean it was like eight o'clock at night! But I went anyways so I grabbed my flip-flops and followed her outside. She pulled me after her by my arm to my backyard which was basically woods. "Wha-" I started to say but suddenly ninjas hopped out of the trees and tackeled me! I stared at Miranda hoping for some sort of explination why I was being attacked by ninjas. But all I saw was Miranda talking to the ninjas then smirking at me. Then blackness.

  I opened my eyes only to see that I was tied and gagged to a tree in the middle of the woods. This is really not cool I thought. I tried to move my hands but they were tied tight, really, really TIGHT! Try not to panick try not to panick! I thought. Though it is really hard not to! If you've ever been abandoned in the the woods while being tied to a tree after being attacked by ninjas you know what I mean! 

I suddenly saw a flash of black. Suddenly I felt my gag being removed and my arms being freed! I look around to see who is saving me, the only I saw that was  five figures who were all dressed in black. Just like the guys who captured me! I started to panick thinking that these people were ninjas and that they were taking me to their leader or something like that. They must of all figured out what I was thinking for they took off their mask revieling five very familiar faces. " OH MY GOD!" I yelled first shocked an then in total confusion I asked " WAIT, ARE YOU ONE DIRECTION?" 

Trees: A story about Trees, Ninjas and One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now