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" Hello Stella!" Harry said. " Whoah, what" I asked pointing at the tree then back at them. "Liam we should probably go before they come back." Zayn said while glancing around the woods. " Yes we should." Liam said while hepling me to my feet. " Wait!" I said while Liam dropped my hands. " They're coming BACK!?!" I asked loudly only to get shushed. "We are not 100% sure if we are alone so whisper!" Harry whispered. "But, yes Stella we  pretty sure they will return."  Liam answered. All of a sudden a question dawned upon me. A VERY important question! "How long have I've been here?" I asked starting to get scared. "Probably around a few hours or so." Louis said super nonchalantly while studing his nails. "WHAT A FEW HOU-"I got cut of by Zayn who said "Guys I heard something!"  "We should start moving then." Liam says as the others start to walk. Niall reaches out and grabs my arm and we walk into the woods.

" Well here we are!" Louis says while opening the door to the small house in the middle of the woods. Inside of the house were basically the nessicities. Well except for all the carrots which my be a nessicity for Louis. Niall leads me to the couch where I sit. The five boys start taking off they're black outfits to reveal normal clothes well, except for Louis who was in footsie pajamas. "So what is this place?" I ask finally breaking the silence. "A safe place." Zayn answered while adjusting his shirt. " Why do you guys need a safe place? Heck, why do I need a safe place?" I ask. "Well, you see..... how am I going to say this without sounding completely mad......" Liam said while shaking his head. " Liam, I was just abducted by ninjas who were in some relation to my BFF and then rescued by a boy band!" "Nothing you say will sound the slightest bit mad!" I said. " Well then ... okay... well you see we are not just a band." Liam said. " Oh really Captian Obvious! She wants answers not what she already knows!" Harry said taking over the job of explaining everything to me. " You see we are part of an agency called S.S.N.A., and we have been watching you for quite some time." "Wait WATHCING ME?" I asked starting to get creeped out. " Oooh yeah we watch you sleep and everything! Niall loves watching you sleep! He really likes your pjs! He thinks they're SEXY!" Louis said while munching a carrot that I have no clue where he got it from. "WHAT!!??!?!" I asked whileI focused my more than humanily possible winded eyes on Niall. "NO! no... Stella I don't watch you sleep! Well actually we do as part of the mission....but NO I don't enjoy it! I mean I'm sure you sleep very nice but it's creepy!" He said trying to fix what Louis just said. "I mean..." He sighed" I'm sure you have nice pajamas!" He said while whacking Louis on the head causing him to choke on his carrot. We all chuckled except for Niall whose face was bright red from probably a combination of embarrasment and anger."Well on a more serious note.." Liam said while sitting down next to me on the couch. "Stella, you are in grave danger from your friend Miranda. She is not who you think she is and neither are we."

Trees: A story about Trees, Ninjas and One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now