Chapter 7 Extension: (Alison) -mature-

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(This was requested by someone to have a little extra scene between these two. So without further ado- I give you a little more from Alison and Emily's discussion in the master bathroom...)

'I love you, too, Emily Fields.'  And then I kissed her, maybe a little too eagerly, maybe not. I can't help it, the seductive smile she flashes me, the easy way we move together.  The way my heart beats wildly when she stares into my eyes, forcing an electric current to buzz between us. I am tightly bound, securely knotted around her little finger, and I love it. I wouldn't trade her for anyone in the world.

My hands float down to her jeans, tracing a line across the skin just above her waistband. I can't stop myself and I unbutton them with my hands momentarily resting on her hips after. My fingers are hooked through her belt loops, giving her a slight tug toward me. I can tell she's losing to me, giving in, all her sense of control is gone. The dark, rich tone of lust settling in her eyes is a perfect reflection of my only coherent thought.

I fucking want her.

I want her to touch me, to run her hands over every last square inch of my skin.  Pulling back for a breath I take a moment to just stare, her chest rising and falling in time with mine.  I crave hearing her say my name, like she's calling to me triggering every alarm in my senses and sending shivers across my hot skin.  Fuck, I wait for it every time.

Raspy... gravelly... alluring...her voice can make my body hum.  And there it is, 'Ali...'

This slow foreplay is over, I'm hot and tight with need and I'm ready, 'Take me to bed, Em, I want you.'

My arms instinctively wrap around her neck as she presses into me. We've done this dance before, Em carrying me to the bed, our bodies locked so tightly together with not even air between us. She's so much stronger than I am, the changes in her body so clear from her incessant running. Not just her strength, but how toned she is, clear definition evident in every contour.  I don't know how she keeps getting more and more sexy, but she does... every day.

'Check the door,' I whisper as we pass by. Mya's room is on the other end of the house, but it wouldn't be the first time she unexpectedly walked in on us. I'll stop that from happening ever again if I can help it.

Emily pinned me to the door working the lock, seconds ticking by in slow motion.  I don't want to wait any longer and I grind my hips against her, capturing her lips once again. Emily's hand finally frees from the lock and she deftly slips my shirt off tossing it aside. Her long, slender fingers find my ass and she pulls into me grinding, matching my thrusts.  This is only a start to what I want from her; this friction only causing me to clench and thrust harder.

'Em...' I gasp out between my shallow breaths.  'The bed, now!' I growled the last part, I'm desperate.  My grip on her body tightens as she spins us back around to the bed. I landed first, Emily on top of me, in between my legs and it's not enough. 

'More,' I husk out under my breath, tugging at her shirt.  Suddenly hands wrap around my forearms and they're pinned above my head.

'I'm in control, Ali, not you.  I plan to slowly torture you until you can't stand it, until you're so far gone you're begging me.' Oh my god.


This is a side of Em I've not seen in awhile.  Dark, seductive, aggressive, ... wanting to be dominant over me. It's almost like the night she came to my place in Rosewood, our first night together. Fuck, thinking of that... I'm even more hot than I was a second ago, every part of me vibrating inside and out.  I pulse my pelvis up searching for any contact I can get, something... fuck anything. 

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