Chapter 9 Extension: (Mya)

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(Dec. 2013- one week prior to Christmas Break...)

'Well here comes my favorite group of girls!'

'Hey, Sara! Uh, you know Mya, and I'm
not sure if you remember, but this is my girlfriend, Emily. Thanks for squeezing her in so last minute, I know you're always so busy, we really appreciate it.'

I'm with mommy and Emily at this hair cutting place, and it smells stinky in here, like rotten eggs, I just want to leave.

The lady talking to my mom is Sara, and I like her. I just don't like the way this place smells.  In case you didn't know, Sara's really, really funny when she cuts mom's hair. She's always swearing when she talks, saying all these bad words when she tells stories. And when we leave, my mom always tells me about how those are adult words and I'm not to say them.  Yeah yeah, I know.  I always promise her I won't say them even though I've heard both her and Emily use them. They only do it when they think I can't hear them.

So why are we here? Awhile ago Emily was telling my mom she wanted her hair cut because it was broken or something? I need to ask my mom how your hair can be broken, or maybe she said split? Either way, I don't get it. So now we're here and Sara's going to fix it I guess. I think Emily's hair is so pretty. It's so long, and wavy and it's super dark. She looks so different from me and mommy, I used to spend a lot of time staring at her, mommy did too.  I've been around her so much now that I don't anymore.

But I see others.

When we are out at stores or restaurants, I like to look around and I see people. People staring at mommy and Emily. I don't know why they stare, they just do. It's mostly when we all hold hands, which is my favorite thing to do together while we're walking. It makes me happy, and I know it makes mommy happy too. She's been a lot happier in the last couple weeks, always smiling and telling Emily she loves her.

Well, anyway, we're dropping Emily off to have her hair fixed. Then mom is taking me to this place called Bridgeman's? She said it's really special because Emily took her to it when they took a trip here together awhile ago. I can't wait because they're supposed to have big huge ice cream sundaes and banana splits!

I haven't been listening really to mom or Sara, but I think Emily is going in now. 'Of course I could fit her in, don't you worry, Alison, it's no problem,' she replied smiling at Emily, eyeing her long tresses and motioning for her to sit in the chair.  'I've been dying to get my hands on all that dark, thick hair of yours ever since you came with Ali last month.'

'Hey now, don't get too excited, I'm kind of partial to my long hair.  I just need a trim, and Ali said you're amazing so here I am.' 

'Don't worry, I won't,' Sara winked at me as she said this and is walking me and mom back out to the reception desk.

'Yeah, don't get crazy, I'm partial to her long hair, too.  So, how long do you think you'll be?' my mom asked, 'Mya and I have a few errands to run.'

'About an hour and a half. I'm going to give her the full works today, so plan to be back around 2:30ish.  That work?'

'Perfect! Come on Mya, let's go.'

'Wait, I need to say bye to Emily!'  Mom is always rushing me out the door whenever we need to go somewhere.  'Okay, I'll wait by the front, hurry up.'  I went with Sara in back again and right away I heard Emily calling to me, 'Mya, did you forget something?'

'Yeah, I came to say bye before we went!'  She's smiling at me now and is kneeling down pulling me into a hug.  My daddy would do this right before he left on his work trips.  I never got to see him that much, but I always liked his hugs...sometimes I miss him.  When I think about him, I get a little sad, but Emily always seems to know just how to make me smile, like she knows I'm sad. 

The Darkness of Light (Chapter Extensions)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ