Chapter 14 Extension: (Alison & Mya)

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This update goes out to dolphingirl124 .

'Now?' Mya tried to whisper back.  She's only 7, so she hasn't quite mastered that yet.

'Yes,' I whispered back, 'You know what to do.  Now go!'  We practiced this, so many times.  Over and over again, so she knows what I mean.  We decided together that if the time was right we wouldn't need to wait until we got to Em's parents' house.  For the most part, Mya told me her own things she wanted to say to Em.  I mean come on, its better that way, more genuine.  Well, irresistible really.

Who could say no to Mya?

'Ali?  What are you two up to?  Don't we need to leave in like an hour?'

'We do,' I say, much more seriously, 'but first I need to say some things to you. I really need to get them out. Tonight, before the concert.'

I think I was a little too serious, Emily looks terrified she's done something wrong, '  Breathe...'

'I messed up again, didn't I?  Everything that happened today, yesterday on the was too much.  I... I...'

Messed up?  What?

Shit, this is really not going how I pictured.  'You didn't mess up, slow down and breathe, Emily.  You need to relax, take a deep breath.' I'm coaching her and eventually get her taking some controlled breaths.  'That's it, okay.  Now try and relax, I just need you to listen, that's all you have to do.'

It's now or never, I'm doing this.  I can't wait any longer. I want to call Emily my wife, I want her to be Mya's mom.  I don't care if she wants to be a DiLaurentis or if I become a Fields.  I don't care, I just want us to be together as a family. 


Now that her breathing has evened out, I feel like I can start again, 'What I was trying to say was that when I met you last year, I wasn't sure what to think. You completely took me by surprise...the way we seamlessly fit together.  First as coworkers, then friends... and then as lovers.  It was so easy the way we just seemed to work.  It's probably also a good time for me to mention that I thought you were hot right from the very beginning.'

Emily looks somewhat stunned, unsure of where any of this is going.  Maybe I have a small element of surprise?

'Well... you shocked the hell out of me, too.  I never expected to find someone like you there.  At first I thought you were that one friend I needed to make it in Rosewood, turns out you were the one I needed to change my life.'  She's smiling now, this is starting to look up, 'And if we're confessing, I thought you were beautiful, too. I couldn't stop staring at you, I'd never seen such clear, brilliant blue eyes.'

'Emily, I never realized what was happening between us until much later, but I look back now and I think I started to fall for you that very first day we met.  Do you know why?'

Emily seems to have lost her voice,  only shaking her head, looking past my shoulder down the hallway. Probably wondering where Mya went.

'This is important,' I say placing my palm on her cheek and guiding her gaze back to me, 'You know I put Mya first in everything I do.  So it makes perfect sense that I started to fall for you because of her.'

'Because of Mya?  What do you mean?' she repeats, her mouth open, and this cute little crease forming over her left eye.

'That day in the tent, that first day I saw you.  We'd had a rough few days with Jack leaving, Mya was upset and so was I.  You couldn't have possibly known any of that.  But you showed her kindness that day when she walked up to you.  The way you knelt down and talked to her, it was emotional for me, my heart felt like it would burst with everything I was feeling.  You did for Mya what Jack never seemed to take the time to. I'd never seen her go up to a stranger the way she did you... I like to think she just knew you were going to be a part of our lives. Like she knew you were going to be very important to us.' 

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