Dance partners and Breakups

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Joe's POV:

As soon as I stepped out from behind that curtain backstage, I was deafened by applause even though that was probably for someone else it comforted me. Myself and 3 other male celebrities were lined up on the stairs waiting for our name to be called. After what felt like a lifetime of waiting Tess called my name and what happened after that was a blur, all I knew was that my dance partner was Dianne and I couldn't have been more thrilled about it. 

Dianne's POV:

It was my second year on strictly come dancing and this year I was hoping for someone good, after all it was a competition and it can get quite competitive between us pros. Not nasty or anything as we all loved each other like family. Thinking about it these people were my family, since my real family all live in Australia these people here were my family and I would never want to leave this show. ANYWAY di, you don't have to wait that much longer until you find your dance partner of 2018. There was 3 male celebs left and 3 of us so I was hoping that I was picked sooner rather than later as I couldn't take it anymore, the suspense was killing me. After playing what seemed the longest VT ever, Tess announced:

"Joe Sugg your dance partner will be...."


In which the light above my head changed colour and I ran towards Joe hoping that he would catch me as I threw myself at him. Not going to lie I was sure who Joe was but I was so excited to change him into a dancer, I knew that we were going to have a lot of fun. 

After we were all paired we all went backstage to our dressing rooms and were meeting our partners  properly.

"So tell me a few things about yourself ?" I asked 

"Well, my names Joe if you couldn't have guessed, I'm a youtuber which basically means I make funny videos and post them on the internet and I can't dance! That's about it for me, I'm simple, But what about you? You must have an interesting story seeing as your from Australia, what's it like there, do you miss your family?" Said Joe

After hours and hours of talking, Joe drove me home to my little London apartment which I shared with my boyfriend. We didn't get on very well anymore and probably should have split ages ago but I stuck with him because otherwise I wouldn't have anywhere or anyone and I just felt like I had to.

I climbed into bed belong side Anthony when my phone dinged, I turned the ringer off as I didn't want to wake Anthony up and read the message:

"Hi di, it's Joe had an amazing time today and I cant wait for the future! Let's hope that you can turn me into a dancer, ill see you tomorrow!"

I just started to type a reply when Anthony turned over, I shielded my phone from him so the light wouldn't hurt his eyes when suddenly awoke and snatched it out of my hands.

"Who's Joe" He yelled at me

"Just my dance partner for strictly" I told him calmly

"Yeah, you know Dianne I am not stupid, I can read between the lines and this guy is more that your dance partner! I have enough of this, GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK!" He screamed at me     

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