Parties and Partners

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Joe's POV:

Dianne had just told me everything that was on her chest, and I mean everything.  I was so surprised she looked and seemed such a happy person yet all of this was going on in her life. You never know what is going on behind closed doors do you? Anyway all that mattered was that she was safe now and fast asleep on my sofa. It was I my 27th birthday today and I was so excited for my party, no one else knew who my dance partner and I was so excited to reveal it whilst watching strictly with all of my friends. I really felt like this friendship could be something special. 

Dianne's POV:

I was woke by the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen, I opened my eyes and all the memories came flooding back to me this wasn't my house, I don't remember too much from last night apart from probably telling Joe a bit too much about Anthony. I had never opened up like that to anyone before but Joe was just amazing, he listened and actually cared. But today was a new day, Joe's birthday which I completely forgot about- that's why I could smell pancakes, it must be a special birthday breakfast for him! I was walking towards the kitchen when it struck me, I looked a mess! I tried to fix my hair in the mirror when I overheard talking:  

"Who's your mate Joe, she's pretty fit" 

"She's my dance partner mate, she has a lot going on in her life so if you would just leave her that would be great thanks."

That must have been Joe and his roommate talking all I heard was Joe sticking up for me protecting me, which no one has ever done for me before. I was honoured he was such a great friend even if I had only known him for like a week. 

"Morning Joe, Happy Birthdaayyyyy!" 

"Thanks Di, do you want some pancakes? Hope you slept okay" Said Joe

We chatted and ate pancakes and just laughed, it was such a happy moment I was just so happy that Joe was chosen to be my dance partner he was just everything I could have wished for, not only in a dance partner as he was hardworking and dedicated but as a friend as he was so loving and caring. 

Joe's POV: 

Being 27 was turning out to be a pretty good time, the morning was amazing. I had everyone who I loved and cared for around me and I had the biggest birthday cake I could ever have wished for. All that was left now was to PARTYYYYYY! Even though Dianne had been round mine all day, Zoe and Alfie still had no idea that she was my dance partner and tried to guess everyone else. They helped me prep the house and now we were waiting for everyone one else to come!

Zoe's POV:

I couldn't quite believe it, my little brother was on Strictly. We were all snuggled up on the sofa as the opening titles started I felt a little buzz of excitement, he was actually doing this and there was no going back for him now. After watching the Pro's dance- I can totally see why they are pro's! and waiting for what felt years it came to Joe's group and he was paired with the beautiful Dianne, who funnily enough was with Joe all day today- something in me wonders if they are going to become something because honestly I ship it already.  They did a little dance together to post on Instagram to tell everyone else who he would be dancing with for however long he'll be in the competition and that was my night complete! Joe however got really drunk, along with many other people, and somehow cake ended up splatted up his window. And that is around the time I went to bed because I do not deal with drunk people very well but whatever they all did I hope they had a good night. 

Joe's POV: 

My party last night was a bit of a blur, I think I had one too many drinks. However I had the best night with the best people, singing, dancing- we have realised I can't dance(yet as Dianne tells me) and just having a good time. At one point I think I did a speech and dedicated it to Dianne and Zoe as everyone keeps telling me but honestly do you think I remember? All I know was that my 27th Birthday was the best night anyone could have asked for and I guess I'm old now! 

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