Nurse's & The Unknown

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Dianne's POV:

I was awoke by the sound of unfamiliar voices and machines beeping. I didn't know where I was or what was going on. I don't remember anything. As I opened my eyes, a nurse came running towards me and started asking me what felt like millions of questions. And I knew the answer to none of them. She told me that I was found unconscious on a kitchen floor. I thought that all the memories would then come flooding back to me but they didn't. It just worried me more. What happened? Then I filled with anxiety where was Joe? If I was in a hospital I thought that he would be by my side. But he wasn't. Tears started to form in my eyes and the nurse obviously noticed this and asked me what was wrong. I just asked her about it and then called for a wheelchair, this filled my whole heart with worry. Why would Joe be in the hospital. After being pushed down many different corridors we made it to the intensive care unit, the nurse scanned her card to open the doors and pushed me through. After muttering a few words to the intensive care nurse they took me into a room and closed the door behind us. She then explained to me that Joe had been involved in a horrific car accident and was in a stable condition but that could change at any moment which is why he was in the intensive care unit. My whole body went into a panic, why was it him? The most caring, polite person I know. They told me that they would rather not take me into the room to see Joe as they said that it would put me at risk of fainting again but if I really wanted to then they would. Of course I wanted to see Joe, I loved him! The nurse respected my decision and wheeled me into the room and I just burst into tears with the state that Joe was in. He had tubes coming out of him and had both legs wrapped in bandages. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I just wanted to take all the pain away from him, but I couldn't. The nurse then left us to take a phone call. And I pushed myself over to him. I placed my hand in his and just told him that everything was going to be alright. I didn't know if that was true or not and I didn't even know if Joe could hear me but I didn't care. I then drifted off with Joe's hand in mine and my head against his chest.

Nurse's POV:

What happened to Joe was a life threatening accident and it was a miracle that he was still alive. Dianne also had been through some trauma but nothing as bad as Joe. I could see how much he meant to her and that is the only reason we let her see him. He was just about in a stable condition but that could have changed at any moment. After checking on my other patients I went back into Joe's room to see Dianne asleep on his chest. After checking that she wasn't in the way of any of the wires I let them sleep. She wasn't harming him and if it kept her calm then that would be best for both of them. I phoned up to say that Dianne was down here and could stay here for the night. I didn't know what was going to happen to Joe and I hoped that everything was going to be alright with both of them but in all honesty I didn't know. Only time will tell.

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