I gained a new best friend

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Dianne's POV: 

I was lost for words, he had just thrown me out of the one place on this side of the world that I called home. I had around £2 in change and my phone was on 5% , and I just didn't know what to do. My first thoughts went to Oti. She had been one of my best friends from Strictly and I knew she would help me in a time of need, so I stood on the cold, dark streets of London praying for an answer. But no. No answer. I didn't know who else to call, no one would be awake, no one would care that much about me , no one would even notice if I went missing. It was then when I knew who I could call, even though we had met 2 days before I felt like he was the only person I could trust right now, the only person that would actually care. Joe. My hands were shaking as I watched my phone drop down to 2%.

 I rang Joe and after 3 rings he picked up the phone, sounding very confused as I told him that I desperately needed his help as soon as possible. Tears slowly started to drop down my face as Joe picked up that I was crying he sounded worried and obviously got the idea that whatever this was couldn't have been good.

"Where are you? I'll be right there everything will be alright" Joe said in the most comforting voice.

"I'm at the park near my---"

And as I said that my phone turned off, I desperately tried to turn it on my eyes again filling up with most painful tears but nothing happened. I was prepared to die here,  hardly anyone knows this area and this is a tiny park hidden round the back of my apartment block but it was the only place I could go without being harassed by drunks, you know what London can be like on a Friday night.

Joe's POV: 

Dianne rang me sounding very upset which confused me a lot seeing as she was the most bubbly people I know. She said something about needing help and she was a at park when he phone cut off, I tried to call her back but it just went straight through to voicemail meaning that her phone must have run out of charge. I had to find her, not just because she was my dance partner but because I was sure that she was going to be one of my best friends and I cared about her, I hadn't felt that connection with anyone ever really and I just had to find her. 

She said she was at a park and I remember her talking something about the little park round the back of her apartment block which was where she went to Dance when she needed to get things off of her chest, I know that's a long shot but all I could was to hope that she would be there. I cared a lot about her, for knowing someone for 2 days I cared a lot about her. 

I jumped in my car and drove to Dianne's apartment block which was around a 30 minute drive from my house but again I didn't care, I had to find her. I jumped out feeling attacked by the bitter cold winds and ran round the corner I knew this park had to be here somewhere. Soon enough I saw a figure sat on a broken bench curled up into a ball. 

Dianne's POV:

"Dianne? Dianne?" I jumped as I felt the warmth touch of a stranger on my shoulder. 

"Joe?" I questioned as I sunk into the biggest, warmest, bear hug I have ever had in my life. once again tears rolled down my face but this time it wasn't out of sadness or anger it was out of pure joy and happiness. I felt like I had a new best friend in my life and I couldn't have been happier.

After several hot chocolates from the 24 hour costa, I spilt everything that was on my chest. I had never ever told anyone that much about how I was feeling and especially seeing as I've only known Joe for a matter of days but it just felt right. 

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