He hates it when you:

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Klaus - He hates it when you avoid him. You two have an argument and you decide not to talk to him so he starts annoying you hoping you'd talk to him which works who can stay mad at him with those irresistible dimples.

Elijah - He hates it when your angry you drink. You leave the house after having one of those Elijah lecturing you about taking care of yourself argument and seriously you can. You go to the bar and have about a zillion drinks obviously you get drunk and you butt dial him (accidentally call him). He gets to the bar and sees you outside kissing another guy. (he started kissing you first just stating the facts). He snaps the guys neck and drags you to his car. Elijah let go of me now! You left the house to go kiss another man. Who cares you say smiling. Your drunk let me take you home. I'm fine I can take care of myself so leave me alone. He pulls you close to him and kisses your lips I know you can take care of yourself I just want you to be careful. He then takes you home.

Kol - He hates it when you take other peoples side other than his even when he's wrong.

Damon - He hates it when you hold back on your feelings and don't say whats on your mind just because it can hurt someone's feelings.

Stefan - He hates it when you lie to him he says he wants a honest relationship with you. Basically every time you lie its to protect him so its his benefit

Jeremy - He hates when you stick up for vampires some vampires.

Tyler - He hates when you talk to Rebekah Mikaelson he says she is a bad influence on you but you guys are friends.

Matt - He hates it when you swear.

Alaric - He hates it when you don't listen to him he's actually trying to protect you not being controlling he just likes when you listen to whats best for you.

Marcel - He hates when you talk to your friend Mike about things you should really talk to him about he's actually jealous. He hates Mike and Mike hates him because he's  a vampire. He think Mike likes you but you reassure him that he's the only one you love.

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