Chapter 1: School

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"Grab your bag. For school so I can drive you. I've been ready for over an hour." Miranda, my mom, said.

"Mom, you're drunk. I'll drive myself."

"No! You listen to MY RULES. Let me get my sandals so I have shoes to walk on." As she walked to find her sandals I grabbed the keys from the key hook next to the front door and ran out. I heard her screaming my name out behind me so I threw myself in the car and sped out of the driveway. My mom was an alcoholic ever since my dad died. Since then she's been bringing different guys home and drinking all day and night. I made the money in our house by working two jobs. It was hard to squeeze in sleep between work and school but I was used to it by now. I finally pulled up at the school and got out of the car. It was the first day of senior year. Typical, right? Anyways, I grabbed my backpack, threw it over my shoulder, and dragged my feet into school. To be honest I wasn't popular but I wasn't a loser either. A big part of it was that I didn't take anyone's crap. If they started to mess with me, I messed them up. I guess you can say I have a....tough personality. Back to reality, I slammed my locker shut and my friend Gemmi ran up to me.

"Lynlee!" She waved eagerly at me and I nodded at her. We got along very well despite our completely diverse personality's. She rushed over and walked by my side. We turned the corner and she pulled me into the spot between the lockers where people usually either smoked or had a make out session so it was completely private.

"How was your mom today?" She asked in a hushed tone because nobody except for her knew that my mom abused me.

"She's fine."

"You know if you need anything I'll be over there right?" The question was innocent but I couldn't let her do that. So I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"I would never bring you into the middle of me and my mom. It's too dangerous. That's why, even if you figure out my address, you can't come to my house. Understand?" She heaved a deep sigh and nodded.

"Thank you. Now Let's go to Biology." I turned the corner and walked with my head down low. Gemmi and I sat next to each other in the exact middle of the classroom. Just like the last three years.

"So, I heard that seniors have a lot less homework than everyone else." Gemmi stated.

"Who did you hear that from?"

"Trent." She mumbled obviously embarrassed.

"Trent spreads fake rumors like wildfires."

"I know, I know." All of a sudden a tall muscular teenager walked in. He looked absurdly hot in just a long sleeved shirt and jeans. He has tan skin and dark brown hair slightly curly, which complimented his brown eyes perfectly. I was staring when Gemmi's high pitched voice brought me back to reality.

"Omg. Who wears long sleeved shirts in August?" Well, Me. I did it to cover up the bruises. So I threw my head her way and raised an eyebrow. I laid my head on the desk and sighed and she threw her head back in laughter. All of a sudden the teacher Ms.Stancel walked in. I swear she was so old her wrinkles had wrinkles and on top of that, they had baby wrinkles.

"Sit up Lynlee. We have a new student in here today." So, unwillingly, I sat up.

"Class, this is Chase Calvin. Please make sure he is welcome in our class. Would anyone like to show him around the school? Most of the girls hands shot up and some of the class clowns raised their hands.

"Perfect! Lynlee, will you show him around the school. You seem to enjoy sleeping before class starts so you get the privilege of showing this lovely young man around." I didn't say anything, I just blinked. Chase looked embarrassed to be up there.

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