Chapter 4: Gemmi

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When I got home my mom was waiting for me on the couch. Great. I was going to get beat so bad. She got up and came over to me, her hands grabbed my head.

"Why would you leave me here alone."

"Mom I was at work."

"I don't trust you!!" She punched me in the face.

"Not in the face mom. Remember people will take me away from you."

"You're right."

"Mom you need to get some rest."

"NO!! I'm not done with you yet."  She walked into the kitchen and came back with cans of food.

"These at old."

"This is not a good idea mom." She threw a can at my face and I blocked it with my arms.

"shit fuck god dammit." I whispered.

"There's more where that came from." After she was done with the cans my arms were bleeding and I had a bruise on my face from where I missed. My broken hand ached from the hits. When I peeked out of my hands to see where she was I saw her grab the broom and before I knew it she swung it at me and it hit my side knocking the wind out of me. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees, coughing, trying to take in as much air as possible before she kicked me in the stomach and flipped me over.

"Let them get me." She threatened before she kicked me across the face. My shoulders were grabbed and pulled up off the ground.

"Next time, do what I say." My shoulders were let go of as I fell to the ground with a thud.

I woke up on the living room floor with my backpack and the keys next to me. I groaned at the pain of my gut when I sat up.

"Hey bitch. I don't care anymore. Drive yourself to school and work. I thought about it last night. School equals better job. Better job equals more cash. More cash equals more scotch. So go. Leave my presence." Finally she got the point I had been trying to get across to her for years. I got up, did my morning routine, grabbed my stuff, and left.

At school

After Bio I walked in the hall and threw my stuff in my locker. All I wanted to do was talk to someone about this but the only person who knew about this was Gemmi. She was my best friend and now I couldn't be mad at her more. I mean do you ever feel like your days repeat and repeat and your going into an endless spiral that you're going to be in forever? Yeah. That's how I felt for two months after the event. TWO MONTHS! I am fed up with it. My mom is constantly beating me and me and Chase hang out as much as possible. But I needed Gemmi. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I slammed my locker shut and slowly pivoted around. Chase was standing there with his eyebrow raised.

"Hi Chase!" I seethed through my grinding teeth.

"Lynlee? Come with me. There's still ten minutes before class and we need to talk."

"Chase I can't talk right now." He ignored me and trudged through the halls dragging me along by my non-broken hand. When we made it to the pot corner he turned to me and waited.


"Why are you so angry today?"

"No reason."

"Is it me?"


"Gemmi?" Fuck. 

"Yeahimgoingtoleavenow." I started to shuffle away but he caught my arm and pulled me back. I winced and he dropped his arm.


"She said something that really pissed me off a couple months ago and we're not friends anymore. Today is just a bad day. Ima leave now." He leaned up against the lockers and his muscles attracted my attention.

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