Chapter 3: Dance

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One week later

"Let me take pictures of you guys!!" Gemmi's mom said as Gemmi pulled me close. A fake smile was plastered across my face as we took pictures.

"Perfect! Awww you guys are so grown up!"

"Oh mom. I love you too. We're going to leave. We'll be back by one Okay?"

"Of course!" For homecoming I put on one of Gemmi's dresses. It was a short blue dress that was tight around the waist with some silver sequins on it, arms covered by a black Lacey cardigan. Her's was a long flowy dress with white at the top and halfway down the torso it changed into a long maroon, flowery skirt. We were very low key on this dance. For example: we just ordered pizza and sat on the couch for dinner. Anyways, we left and she jammed out to her music as I looked out the window dreading every moment of this. I even let her do smoky eye makeup on me.

"I love your hair Lynlee. It looks amazing!"

"It's just curls with two braids wrapped around into the back. What's so special?"

"You always wear your hair in a ponytail. This was a nice change."

"Oh. Thanks."

"I got a thanks!?! Chase must have been really getting into your tiny heart there..."

"Shut up. Stop talking about Chase."

"Ahh. so He is."

"No. We've only know each other for two weeks. That's not possible for me to grow a relationship with him in that time."

"Yeah. It's what normal people do. Also people who are in love."

"Well how about neither. Love is fake."

"No, it's not and He likes you."

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"He told me."

"What? Bet not."

"You're right. I was kidding."

"Whew." I exhaled.

"Yeah." She double blinked.

"You're lying." I followed up.

"What? Am not!!"

"Yeah you are. You have a tell. Whenever you lie or are nervous you double blink."

"Well...we're here. Let's go." Ughhhh. I was so confused, Did he like me or not. Did I want him to like me? We have grown closer since that one day at work. I mean, I promised to stay away from boys. No time for them and they're just trouble. But No. Tonight was about us girls. When we got in, the music was blaring and the lights were flashing. I already hated it. The gym was packed full of love obsessed teens, and I was filling with dread. Unfortunately Gemmi dragged me on the dance floor, despite not wanting to, I danced with her. I was plastering a fake smile on my face because I knew she loved me dancing with her. After a few more dances I felt a hand drag me away.

"Hey! Get your hand off of me!" My voice was lost in the music and I couldn't fight it because my other hand was broken. I frantically tried to look for Gemmi. When I finally found her she was smiling at me and clapping. WTH. I turned around but I couldn't tell who was dragging me into the empty hall. Finally he let me go and turned around to face me.

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