Chapter 6: Mikey

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My mom came out just as I was working up the nerve to kiss him. So instead I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Goodnight Chase." I gave him another big hug and he hugged me back.

"Goodnight Burns." My mom walked up to us and I let him go.

"Who is this? Lynlee!"

"My car broke, he just drove me home. Let's go inside mom."

"No! I-" She burped and I shoved Chase out of the way before she puked all over me. The stench almost made me barf.

"Let's go inside mom." I walked inside with her and didn't turn back to Chases before I went inside. That night after I took a shower and put my mom to bed, I picked up my writing book and started to write a story.

My fingers outlined his sharp jawline, all the way down to his chin, where I gently pushed his chin down so I could see his hazel eyes with pretty brown flecks in them. He snaked his arms around me, pulling me close as I ran my hands through his dark, curly hair. Gently, I grabbed his face, and ran my finger softly down from his forehead to his soft, pink lips, where I ran my finger across them until he grabbed my hand and pulled me even closer.

"I love you." Before I got a chance to answer he picked me up and kissed me. My long legs wrapped around his waist and my fingers intertwined on the back of his neck. He spun around and I laughed. Never wanting to part from him.

"I love you too."  That was the last thing I said to him before my glass window shattered and Malik dropped me from his arms. Blood was everywhere and I couldn't think straight. I only knew two things. Malik was dead, and I wanted to be.

I sat my notebook down and sighed. Sleep time.

The next day

"AHH!!" After blinking my tears away I sat up and threw on some sweats and a black t-shirt, shaking off the night terror. My hair flew up into a messy bun and I went downstairs to make coffee. Saturday, my least favorite and most favorite day of the week. I hopped down a few stairs and stopped midway. Bacon smells hit me from the kitchen. Quickly I dashed down the stairs and saw a tall, well built man standing at my stove making bacon and eggs. Frantically I looked around and found a broom, holding it up, ready to take a swing.

"Who are you?" He turned around and I saw bright green eyes and lots of stubble on his square jaw. "Mikey?"

"Hey Lynlee."

"No no no don't Hey Lynlee me." I dropped the broom and turned around to go back upstairs.

"Wait Lynlee!"

"What Mike."

"Please, please forgive me."

"How can I forgive you. You're even a cop now!"

"I didn't know any better! I was fifteen!"

"Yeah. So was I. Did you know that I have night terrors because of that night?"

"Lynlee, Stop, I have bad news and we can't fight about this now."

"What? What's the bad news? How can it get any worse between us?"

"Your mom is in jail for assaulting a police officer. Last night at around 2 in the morning she went to a bar, got drunk, and when an officer invited to take her home she punched him."

"Oh good god!" I groaned.

"You're seventeen, so I was assigned to keep a watch at your house for the next couple of days." I walked into the living room and grabbed my keys, and he must've saw my arms.

"Is your mom abusing you?"

"No. And even if she was, it's nothing compared to what you happened to me before." I swung the keys around and started to walk out.

"What are you doing?"


"Wait. I made food, and I want to talk and apologize." I stormed back into the kitchen.

"It's a little too late for apologizing."

"It's only too late when you're dead."

"But it won't mean anything now."

"But I have to." He stuck a plate of eggs and bacon out to me. "Please." I shook my head and sighed.

"Come sit in the living room with me." He trailed me to the living room as I sat my food down on the end table, untouched.

"When, well when IT happened, I was scared. Terrified actually. And and and I didn't know what to do."

"I told you to go get help. To save me. Where did you go?"

"I told your mom."

"Ugh. Seriously. I can't, you knew she was drunk!"

"No I didn't! Honestly I swear on my life I would do anything to save you from that, I am so sorry. Lynlee please forgive me."  My lips quivered as I tried to hold the tears back.

"Yes." I whispered. He jumped up and pulled me into a hug. He kissed my head and I squeezed him tight before I let him go.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"It's going to be hard for me still okay? I don't know if I can trust you."

"Yes." I sat down and he walked up to me and laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you believe me? God how gullible did you get?" Another sickly laugh erupted from his mouth.

"What did-are you doing?" I started hyperventilating.

"I killed your mom so I could do this to you baby girl."

"What!? Mom! Mom!! Momma!" I looked around.

"Yeah, I know I said I swore on my life that I tried to get you help, but I lied. Remember that one time in June babygirl." I got up and tried to run but he grabbed my arm and threw me back into the chair. He pulled a gun out and aimed the muzzle right at my head.

"Now, baby girl, it's my turn for a June day."

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