Chapter 7: Help

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I was left there, all alone, naked, bloody, bruised, beaten up, and tired. Mike left after knocking me out and I woke up on the couch. Despite the fact that I was naked and in pain I got up to look for my mom. She wasn't in the kitchen, dining room, or her bedroom. I looked in the bathroom and I saw her in the tub.

"Mom!!" There was no blood, that's a good sign. I placed my hand in her chest and there was no beating. I checked under her chin and in her wrist but there was nothing. My mom was dead. Yes she drank and she beat me, but she was all I had. But now, she was gone.

"NOOOOO!!!!" What do I do? My mom. Dead. 911. I left the bathroom and stumbled down the hall, sobbing and crying out of emotional and physical torment and pain. Tears stained my face and my body shook. Nothing in the world has ever hurt more, and I wanted to die. I found my back pack and ripped it open, digging out my phone. Tear drops fell on the keys as I punched in 911.

"Help. I was raped and-and-and he killed my mom. Help please. Help."

"Calm down mam. Is he still there?"

"No. He left."

"Are there any major injuries on anyone at your house."


"Where do you live."

"724 Creastoak street, Tremont."

"We're sending a emergency team your way mam. Hold tight."

"No! I can't afford that. Just send a police unit."

"Are you a minor."


"Where is your dad."

"He died years ago."

"Well then you won't have to pay mam. I have a emergency team routed to you. Sit on the couch, drink some water, and try to calm yourself down. Make sure your door is unlocked. They will be there in five minutes."

"Tha-Thank you." I ended the call and put on clothes. Wearing sweats and a sweatshirt, I dragged myself downstairs. My life has gone to shit in 2 seconds, and there was no way I could've stopped it. If only I would've woken up sooner. It's my fault. It's my fault. All of it. All of it's my fault. I tripped on my way to the bathroom and landed on my elbows, scraping them, and they started bleeding. Shit shit shit. I pushed up and my arms wavered, barely getting game up enough to start walking again. Knocking cane at my door and I opened it getting some blood on the handle. A strong woman scooped me up and laid me on a cot inside the emergency van.

"Wait! My mom, she, I can't leave her."

"Is she alive."

"No, he killed her...."

"Okay. We're going to get you to the hospital and—"

"No! Just check me in your car. I am not going to the hospital. I know who raped me and killed my mom."

"We need you to get the physical evidence and the evidence is on you sweetie."

"How long will it take?"

"Two hours. Then you can find someplace to go or you can stay at the hospital."

"I have somewhere." Tears fell.

"What's going to happen to my mom?"

"Well, that's up to the coroner and police." I nodded and turned away from her, on my side. My salty wet tears soaked up the cot, that was shaking from me.

At the hospital, two hours later

"Just try and eat something, I wouldn't drive, and be safe. Okay?" The nurse said. I just nodded and looked away.

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