Into the Mines

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We all dig out of the snow, slowly and carefully making our way down the mountain.

It takes us a day, almost two to hike back down the mountain and toward the gates of Moria. The snowy landscape changes to grass and then again to a steep rocky valley that is slightly foggy.

"Frodo, come and help an old man." The Hobbit joins Mithrandir at the head of the group. I see Mithrandir place an arm around Frodo while they walk and talk. Trying my best to ignore their conversation I am surprised to see Legolas walking next to me.

He is silent, with a pensive look on his face. It reminds me of the night in Elrond's gardens. A half smile graces my features and the all-seeing Elf notices. "Why the smile, Faeniel?"

I chuckle, "The look on your face is one I have seen you wear before. I am trying to determine if the question you will ask will cause as much trouble as the one then." I reach up and hook my thumbs in the straps of my pack as if contemplating the world.


"Yes, the last question you asked caused unbelievable tension between us. I would much rather keep that away from us, at least for the sake of the rest of those in the Fellowship." I look up to the partly cloudy sky. Some stars barely peek through. "So what is this question that is burning in your mind?"

Legolas is quiet for a moment again, "I have several questions. I hope you do not mind. Adar always said a curious elf was never a good elf."

"I do not mind, your Highness," I tease with a small smile on my face. "What are these questions?"

"Firstly, who is your mother? Is she highborn that she knows of the snow poem? What about your father? Do you have any siblings? How old are you?" His questions came out in a rush. The words jumbled together and sped along like a stream over a cliff.

My laugh bursts through the air, causing several of the Fellowship to look back at us. "My you are a curious Princeling." Being rather forward I unhook my left thumb from my pack strap and link arms with Legolas. He is startled for a moment, tensing. But he soon relaxes and looks on expectantly with a soft, small blush on his face. "I will do my best to answer your questions, hopefully in order. Though I wish we had talked about this earlier, away from prying ears." I glance to Merry and Pippin who were hanging on every word I said even though I was speaking Elvish.

"I apologize, my Lady," Legolas says. I flinch and hope he doesn't notice. "I would have asked sooner, but I could not decide if you were still cross with me from the question in the garden."

I chuckle, "If I was, I would have asked you to a duel. And you would have lost." His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Then we would have been reconciled. As it would seem, another wise princeling told me to use the pain of hurtful words to fuel my actions in battle rather than to let them roost in my heart and turn me into a spiteful, bitter, old elleth."

"It would seem that princeling has given out good advice to the both of us then," Legolas speaks with a small smile on his face and I knew to whom he gazes at.

"Now, to your questions." His attention focuses on me solely. I try to give him answers and clues without directly explaining my lineage. "As to my parents, they are both alive and well as any Elf can be in these dark times. Both come from Noldor decent, hence my own coloring, though we are not sure as to where the green eyes come from. It is through this heritage that I have come to know the poem. I have yet to experience the loss or love of which the poem speaks." Legolas' ears choose at that moment to twitch. "I have one sibling, an elder sister. Many years ago she was abducted by Orcs and tortured. Her husband and children tried to find her in time. Which they did, but she was never the same. She sailed to the Grey Havens many, many moons ago." My voice drifts off into memory. Legolas, sensing my sadness places his free hand on my arm in a gesture of understanding and kindness. "As for how old I am," I drop my voice to a whisper so only he and I can hear it. "I am older than the Third Age but younger than the first White Tree that Isildur brought. Does that answer your question?'

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