The Balrog and the Return to Lothlórien

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"Over the Bridge!" Mithrandir instructs us. "Fly!" The flames grow higher as we cross. Mithrandir waits for all of us to cross before following. Out of the flames behind us, a great black, winged creature appears. Its head has two large horns that curve down toward its mouth. Its eyes are burning coals that glow when oxygen hits them. There is flame down its spine. The Balrog roars at Mithrandir, fire comes from its open maw. It follows us as we cross the Bridge in single file, Mithrandir at the rear. Halfway across the Bridge the wizard stops and faces the Balrog. "You cannot pass!" he tells the monster.

We are all safely across and turn to watch what will happen. "Gandalf!" Cries Frodo, worry covering his face.

The Balrog reaches the end of the Bridge. It stands straight and stretches its wings wide in front of Mithrandir, igniting the fire upon its body. Unperturbed Mithrandir counters, "I am the Servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Anor." The Balrog draws its sword, flames rippling across it. "The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udûn" Mithrandir's staff glows a bright white.

The Balrog swings its sword down toward Mithrandir. The wizard protects himself with his staff. There is a crash and a flash of great light. The Balrog drops its sword and roars at Mithrandir. "Go back to the shadow!" The Balrog places a cloven foot onto the Bridge, almost as if testing its strength. A fiery whip appears in its hand. The Balrog swings it and causes a crack similar to lightning. "You shall not pass!" Mithrandir yells loudly to the Balrog. Mithrandir raises his sword and staff together above his head. He brings them down hard upon the Bridge. A light flashes and the Balrog leans back.

The Balrog snorts and takes another step forward, raising the whip. As the Balrog's weight shifts the Bridge collapses beneath it. The Balrog falls into the chasm roaring and yowling as it falls. Mithrandir turns to head toward us. But the Balrog, yet to be defeated, flicks its whip and snags Mithrandir's ankle dragging our wizard to the edge of the Bridge. Mithrandir clings with all his might to the edge.

Frodo tries to run toward the wizard but is stopped by Boromir. "No!" yells the man.

"Gandalf!" Yells Frodo.

Holding on by his fingertips Mithrandir looks to us. "Fly you fools!" And then his grip slips.

"NOOoooooooooooooo!" Frodo screams. He is not the only one. I find myself taking small, slow steps toward the Bridge. Disbelief on my face. Legolas grasps my forearm, halting me from my movement. I turn to look at him and see similar faces of shock on all of my companions. We all start leaving the dreaded place.

"Aragorn!" Boromir catches the man's attention. Everyone runs out of the mines, dodging arrows shot by the Orcs.

We reach sunlight and several yards away from the door we collapse. Everyone is heartbroken. We have lost Mithrandir. The Hobbits are crying, Legolas is forlorn, Boromir restrains an angry Gimli from heading back into the Mines. I stand next to Legolas the pain from this loss hurting almost as much as the pain from my wound and ribs. Aragorn wipes his sword, glancing at all of us. "Legolas! Get them up!" he orders. Legolas looks lost and uncertain but moves toward Merry and Pippin.

"Give them a moment! For pity's sake!" Boromir fights back. He who is probably most familiar with grief from war stands up.

Aragorn shakes his head. "By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Faeniel, get them up." He walks toward Sam and lifts him onto his feet. "On your feet Sam," Aragorn pats his shoulder. "Frodo?" Aragorn looks frantically for the Hobbit. Frodo is walking away in the distance. "Frodo!" Frodo turns toward Aragorn. I can see tears in his eyes and rolling down his face. He is trying to put on a brave face for us.

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