Chapter 5

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The next morning Ella left early and got to the office while it was still sorta dark out and let herself in and laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Bucky pulled in on his bike and saw her car and was confused cause it was barely 730. He went in and found her asleep and his breathe hitched when he seen her outfit. 

He sat his stuff down on his desk and then he walked over to her and gently shook her awake and she whispered "Shh Brylee Aunt Ella is sleeping" 

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He sat his stuff down on his desk and then he walked over to her and gently shook her awake and she whispered "Shh Brylee Aunt Ella is sleeping" 

"Darlin it's not Brylee it's Bucky." he said 

She opened one of her eyes and smiled and said "Sorry." 

She sat up and he said "What are you doing here sleeping please tell me you weren't here all night" 

"No..I um I came in around 6 I was home alone all night." she said 

"What? Why?' he said

"My dad moved fast apparently when I got home I had a fight with my sister which lead to Brylee going to her grand parents and my sister admitting that all this time she's been sleeping with someone else and cheating on her husband." she said

"Oh darlin I'm sorry." he said as he wiped a stray tear 

"It's fine I got a little sleep." she said

"You look beautiful for someone that got very little sleep." he said 

She smiled and said "Thank you." 

"I wanted to text you to make sure you were ok last night but I keep having to remind myself that I .." he said as he rested his forehead against hers.

"That I'm a student" she said as she looked into his eyes.

"Yeah that." he said as he started to hover over her mouth. 

She started to lean in and breathing hard as she fought herself on cupping his cheek. He swallowed hard and just as their lips were about meet there was a knock on the door and then Steve walked in and he said "Hey Buck.." 

"Oh hey Steve um this is Ella remember I told you about my TA." Bucky said as he stood up real fast. 

"Oh it's nice to meet you Ella I'm Steve." Steve said as she shook his hand .

"It's nice to meet you." she said as she got up and said "I need to get some air."as she walked out. 

She left the room and Steve said "Did I interrupt a meeting?'

"no.. you just prevented me from making a move." he said as he ran his hands through his hair and Steve said "Well if that's how she dresses no wonder you having trouble keeping your thoughts professional."

"Steve shut up." he said 

"Anyways I know how I can help you with your financial issue" he said

"What's that?' Bucky said 

"Um move in with me and Sam." he said 

"You want to be room mates again. I thought you and Nat were working things out?' Bucky said

"The only way me and her will work out is if she moves back here she doesn't want to leave LA Buck and we loved being room mates in college we just don't have Clint anymore." Steve said 

"Yeah I guess that's fine" Bucky said

"Good we will help you move this weekend." Steve said just as Ella came back in and said "I um I'm gonna go ahead to class." with tears in streaming down her face. 

Bucky bit his lip and said "Ella are you ok?' 

"Yeah I'm fine I just um I may need a couple of days." she said as she grabbed her stuff and left.

Later that day she went to the library to do her homework when Bucky found her and he pulled out her headphones and he said "Hey what's wrong?'

"Im sorry about this morning I um I know I'm considering your student and um I um will not do that again." she said

"Sweetheart you did nothing wrong. Is that why you are here and not in the office when it's office hours." he said 

She looked down and he whispered "Ella Grace you did nothing wrong I promise it was my fault I should be the one to apologize." as he helped her get her stuff. 

She stayed till he left and he walked her to her car and he hugged her and said "Sweetheart please don't feel bad for what almost happened ok.. " 

"Ok." she said 

He pulled away and said "I'll see you in the morning." 

"Ok." she said and she got in her car and left.

When she got home she took a hot shower and did her homework and then did shots of tequila so she could go to sleep. 

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