Chapter 11

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People ran in panic. Explosions on main streets and fires burning down buildings. Everything was falling apart. It was complete chaos. I could hear the screams for help from people all around the streets.

Heroes fought in every corner. Others trying to rescue as much people as possible. I could hear the cries of people as they tried to yell for help.

I stood by, watching everything crash around me. I could see All Might fighting from a distance. Almost six villains gaining up on him but he fought back. He was growing tired but through it all he was still smiling.

My concentration was interrupted by a hero who shot a punch at me. I threw a punch back and used my blade to stab him in the rib.

At that moment even more heroes started coming at me. I dodged most of their attacks and proceeded to use my quirk. I knew heroes were weak to saving people so I made the illusion of innocent people in front of them begging to help them.

They were so shocked and distracted that I was able to throw even more punches knocking them down. I always used my blade to stab them and let them bleed out.

When I had finished my shirt was covered in ash from the building burning up in front of me and some blood splatters.

I looked back to see All Might standing right in front of me.

Fuck what do I do? I can't beat All Might alone. There's no fucking way. He won to a fight of seven.

I didn't know what to do so I tried making damage with my blade but he moved quickly. He got a punch on my side and I was knocked to the ground.

"A-a-ll Might. You fucking bastard."
"Stop this Midoriya."
"How the fuck do you know who I am."
"You were with the villain league when my class was attacked."
"Where the hell were u?"
He didn't answer
"Bakugo told me about you. He didn't say much. He actually never says anything since that day. You were going to join UA?"
"Wasn't good enough. I never was good enough. The villain league found me and thanks to them I'm actually someone."
"Midoriya have u ever stopped to think what would of happened if you hadn't joined the villain league."
"I can't imagine myself as anything else and I never will be a hero. People have made that painfully clear."
"You're better than this. You can join UA. You'll be a hero like you've always wanted."

I swung my blade and stabbed him right below his rib. He yelled in pain and crashed on the floor.

He took out the knife and pulled up his shirt to look at the wound. It was bleeding badly but that wasn't what was catching my attention. He had a nasty scar. It looked pretty disgusting.

"T-t-that's your weak spot. That's why you've grown weak."

At that moment Shigaraki showed up. I could barely see his face because of the hand clasped on his face but I could see some of his malicious smile.

"Well done Midoriya. You've been an excellent use to us up to now."

He called up more villains. They were all circling around All Might. He was still on the ground compressing his hand to the wound, trying to make the bleeding slow down.

"Kill him."

Every shot, every punch, every stab was making All Might scream in pain. He was dying. Even though he tried his best to defend himself, there was too many of them and he was too weak at this point.

I fired up my electric shock in my hand ready throw the final punch to finally kill All Might.

Before I even threw my punch I was fucking blasted off to the side hitting my head really fucking hard. What the fuck. Who had created an explosion and had ruined my chance to end All Might.

Wait explosion. Fuck.

I looked up to see Kacchan standing in front of me. Smoke coming off his hands. His Furious face looking directly into my eyes.

"Ahhh Kacchan. Weird seeing you here."
"Shut the fuck up Deku and stop this shit. I've had enough of you."

I gave a sly smirk.

"Don't worry Kacchan. You won't be around long after I'm done with you."

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