Chapter 13

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Deku was dead.
His face turned pale and his body laid in the cement floor. The sound of sirens kept getting louder as they came closer.

As much as it hurt him, Dabi ran away from the scene. There wasn't anything left to do for Deku. The paramedics found his body and was pronounced dead.

Her mother buried her son. She refused to make a funeral as it caused her too much pain to accept that he truly was dead.

Dekus mom POV
You're not really gone. You're just missing. Right? You're not dead.

Tears ran down her face trying to process what had happened. She hadn't seen his son in over a year. First he went missing and no one had a clue where he was. Then she was told he'd turn into a criminal. That pained her more than anything. Her son was such a sweet young man who wouldn't hurt a fly and now he was running around with dangerous criminals. Then he was found dead.

Dekus Mom POV
I don't hate you baby boy. I know for a fact that people aren't born evil. It's what happens to them that makes them bad human beings. I'm sorry. I should of protected you more. I should of loved you more. I'm so sorry.

She left. As sad she was for the lost of her son, she knew that at least know he wouldn't be hurting anymore. No one could hurt him now.

A few weeks passed and Kacchan has finally been able to face his fear and go visit Deku at the cemetery.

He walked alone. He was carrying some flowers he had picked up on the way there. He walked until he stood in front of his gravestone marked:
Izuku Midoriya R.I.P

He stood there for what seemed hours. Unable to say anything.

Kacchans POV
D-deku I-I'm s-so sor-

He fell on his knees and started sobbing.

"IM SO SORRY DEKU. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT. IM SO SORRY. I-I should of been there. It's my fault you became a villain. I treated you so cruelly. It's my fault you're dead. I-I-I killed you. I'm so sorry Deku. I should've let you kill me. It should've been me. You were right. I deserved it."

He stayed silent for a moment. Letting tears roll down his face.

"I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness anymore because what I did to you is unforgivable, but I hope that wherever you are that you won't feel so alone. You deserved the world. I turned you to a cruel person and for that I'll live my whole life regretting it."

Kacchan felt a tap on his shoulders. He was startled and turned around quickly.

"Kirishima what are you doing here?"
"Uhhh I followed you."
"What? How long have you been standing there."
"Don't worry Bakugo I didn't hear anything you said. I stood from a pretty far distance. I'm sorry I followed you. I just wanted to know if you were ok. You've been awfully quiet since Dekus death. I don't think I've seen you smile since."
"You wouldn't be either if you killed someone."
"Bakugo he would of killed you."
"It should've been me."
"Don't say that."

He started crying again. Kirishima grabbed bakugo in his arms as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shhh it's ok Bakugo. It's ok."
"It's not. You didn't know him. He was the kindest person I ever met before he disappeared. I'm a monster. I did this. I made him a villain and I-I k-killed him."
"Hey you're not a monster."
"Yes I am."
"No Bakugo you're not."

Kacchan sobbed more into kirishimas arm.

"I'm sorry Bakugo. I'm sorry this happened but he's ok now. He might be dead but at least he's not hurting anymore."
"I'll go to hell for what I did."
"Stop Bakugo. No you won't. I didn't know Deku but from what you've told me he would of forgiven you. I know he would."
"You really think so?"
"Yes. He would of. Now let's get you home."

Bakugo gave a last look at Dekus gravestone. He placed the flowers next to his gravestone. Then he left with Kirishima.

"You either die a hero or You live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
-Harvey Dent

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