To A New Realm

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The mysticons are just fighting with
But Tazma seemed to just be dodging their attacks.

Tazma:You will never defeat me mysticons!

Zarya:Can you just shut your mouth!

Arkayna:And land a hit if you're so powerful!

Tazma:Oh I am dragon mage.

Piper:Then just fight us already!

She said as she threw some of her hoops at Tazma.
But she dodged them with ease.

Tazma:How about you go on a little field trip?

She then opens a portal to another realm(Earth) that sucked the mysticons in while Tazma laughed evily.


The princesses had just finished fighting the twins and are on their way to the smoothie bar.

Auriana:When are we going to stop fighting evil, all we do is fight and fight, It's exhausting! (Remind you of anyone?)

Talia:Until Graymorr is defeated then we can relax.

Iris:Now let's just get some smoothies.

They all nodded and went into the smoothie bar.
Seeing Nathaniel at the counter waving at them.

Nath:Hey guys! The usual?

They all nodded and went to a table.

Back with the mysticons

They all fell on the ground.

Em:Where are we?

She said as they all got of from the ground.

Arkayna:I don't know, how about we go in there?

She said as she points to the Smoothie Bar.

Zarya:Why not?

And with that they walked to the smoothie bar.
In there they saw three girls and decided to ask them.

Arkayna:Hey,we just wanted to ask where we are?

Iris:You're in Sunny Bay, you guys must be new here. I'm Iris by the way.

Talia:I'm Talia.

Auriana:And I'm Auriana.What are your names?

Arkayna:I'm Arkayna.

Zarya:Zarya,Arkayna's twin sister.

Em:Emerald but call me Em for short.

Piper:And I'm Piper.

Talia:Where do you guys come from?

Piper:We come from Gemina.


Arkayna:Uuuuuhhhhhh,it's a small town almost nobody knows.

Auriana:*giggles*That's funny because that was what Iris said when she told Aunt Ellen we came from another planet.

She then got strange faces from the mysticons and glares fom Talia and Iris.
Em:What do you guys mean from another planet?

Iris:How about we change the subject?

They all nod.

Talia:So where are your homes?

Arkayna:Um.......we.....just got here so.....we don't have one.

Auriana:How about you come over to our house?


Talia:We'l ask Aunt Ellen if sh-

Before she could finish her sentence all of them heard a loud explosion.
They all rushed outaide to find the twins with-


New story out people and I would like to thank MystGuardian for inspiring the begining of the story.

As usual
Stay cool people!
Peace out!

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