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Annyeong Haseyo! Zahra-Imnida!
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After they all finished laughing ,the princesses, the mysticons and Malvaron went to the stronghold.

Arkayna:Hold on, what if Tazma or the twins attack? Me and Zarya are completely powerless for the next few days.

Em:Yeah,that's gonna be a problem.

Mal:We could try to get your rings. That might help give your powers back.

Zarya:One question, how?

Izira:Well,first things first, we need to get those rings.

Mal:Maybe Proxima can help.She might know a spell.


Iris:But,wouldn't the rings be highly guarded?

Piper:Oh,leave that to us.

Em:We've been doing that so many times.

Talia:Great.So what's the plan Izira?

Izira:Here's the plan, I'll teleport you guys to the castle,when you get there you will all head to the throne room, I'm guessing that's where he keeps the rings, Em,Piper and Lyna keep the guards bussy while Talia, Iris and Auriana are on look out and Carissa goes in and takes the rings when you're all done Talia will teleport you back. Got it?

They all nodded in understanding.

Mal:Good luck!

They all stood in front of Izira who teleports them in the castle.

At The Castle brought to you by Burger King.

They all arrived at the castle and quickly snuck in the,once they got to the throne room Em, Piper and Lyna attacked the shadow-crystal guards,Tazma and the twins created , then they sneaked into the castle while Iris,Talia and Auriana waited outside.
Carissa made sure the room was empty before going in and quickly grapped the rings that were levetating on a table beside the throne.
After she got it, she ran out of the room followed by Em, Piper and Lyna to the rest waiting outside.

Carissa:I got them!

She whisper-screamed.

Talia:Good,now hurry.

They held each others hand then Talia teleported them back to the stronghold.

Carissa:We got the rings!

She said while holding the rings that were levetating on her hand.

Arkayna:Now what?

Mal:Now we go to Proxima.

Talia:But first, who is Proxima?

Arkayna:She's the head of the astromancers or headmistres(Is that how you spell it?)

Auriana:And what are astromancers?

Izira:Their the mages who have been protecting Gemina even before the mysticons exsisted.

She said smiling while the other looked at her shocked and surprised.

Izira:What,Talia already told you I loved you guys and that includes Gemina.

She said shrugging.


Piper:Let's go then!

They then went to the astrimancer acadamy.

Lyna:This place is beautiful.

She said gawking at the place as well as the aothers.

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