Heroes From Different Places

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Tazma:Hello mysticons.

Iris:You know her.

Zarya:Let's just say we've met before.

Praxina:Who are you?

Tazma:I am Tazma Grimm.

Mephisto:You're creepy even your name is creepy.

She then shut his mouth with her black magic.

Praxina:Hmm.......you're quite powerful. What about you team up with us.

Tazma:As long as I can defeat them I will do it.

Mephisto:Mhm mmm


She let's go of her spell.

Mephisto:Finally,oh and by the way while you two were talking those girls got away.



While Tazma and Praxina talked the girls managed to get away to Iris' house.
They arrived at their house and then they walked into Iris' room.

Talia:Okay you know that girl that had white hair.


Iris:Where was she from?What is her name?

Piper:Her name's Tazma and she came from our realm Gemina.

Talia:Wait I read about that realm before......

Auriana:How about we go read about the book you read about it.

Talia:No need I have it in my room, I'll go get it.

She the ran to her room and grabbed a book.
She opened the book and then started reading.

Talia:It says here that Gemina was home to legendary warriors called the mysticons.

Auriana:I heard stories of them that said they defeated the queen of the undead named Necrafa.

Talia:And the rulers are now Queen Goodfey and King Darius he had a son named Gawayne and Queen Goodfey had a daughter named Arkayna and that's it.

Arkayna:It looks like this book didn't have the full story.

Iris:What are you talking about?

Zarya:First Necrafa returned but was destroyed once and for all by the second generation of the mysticons.

Iris:So there's a second generation of mysticons? And what's next, it has to be something with the royal family isn't it?

Piper:Yup!And did you guys forgot what Zarya said when she introduced herself?

Auriana:Well she said her name and then she said she was Arkayna's sis-Oooooohhhh you two are sisters!

She said as she points to Arkayna and Zarya.

Zarya:Twin sisters to be exact.

Iris:So back in the subject, when Tazma said 'hello mysticons' that means you guys are the new mysticons.


Arkayna:And this is an odd question but are you all princesses cause I've seen those jewelry that you're wearing, I read that it belonged to the princess's of Ephidea, Xeris and Volta.

Auriana:Oh yea we are those pri-

Before she could even finish her sentence another explosion was heard and the girls looked at the window in Iris' room.

Talia:The twins.

With that said the all ran outside to find the evil twins and Tazma just flying in the air.

Arkayna:Come on girls it's magic hour!
                   Mysticon Dragon Mage!
Zarya:Mysticon Ranger!
Piper:Mysticon Striker!
Em:Mysticon Knight!

Iris:Iris Princess of Ephidea!
Talia:Talia Princess of Xeris!
Auriana:Auriana Princess of Volta!

They all stood there,while the twins and Tazma were in a state of shock.

The twins:Mysticons!

Mephisto:I thought they were myths!

Zarya:Think again crystall head!

She said as she was about to fire her arrows when she was stopped by Iris.

Iris:We can't fight here, Amaru the arena!

Then Amaru clapped his paws together and in a blink of an eye they were all in the arena.
The mysticons were gazing at the beautiful arena, but was hit with the twins dark crystalls.


She said as she threw her hoops at Mephisto hitting him making him fall to the ground.

Praxina:Seriously you fell because of hoops?

Piper:Hey these hoops are powerful!

Tazma then fired her black magic at Piper but was safe by an orange crystall shield.



She said as she fired some crystalls but Tazma dodged them.

Piper:Hey,you need some help?

Auriana:Why not?

They both fored attacks at Tazma, after Tazma fell the both gigled and saying it was fun.

Zarya:You know those two are exactly the same.


They said as they watched Auriana and Piper gigling while the twins created a crystall beast.

Tazma:Hmmm.......How about a little help?

She then used her powers to boost the beasts' power.

Em:I think we have a problem......

Iris:Yeah we can see that.

She fired her pink crystalls at the beast but the beast was not harmed at all.
She gasped.

Iris:Okay now we have a problem.

Em:Told ya.

Talia:I read about the mysticons having uniqe powers.Is that true?

Arkayna:Yea we each have powers of mystical animals.

Iris:We can use them to destroy the beast.

Talia:Exactly,Girls Crystal Luxtra.

The princess's stood in a circle while the mysticons stood beside them.




Arkayna:Unleash the dragon!

Zarya:Time to howl!

Em:Battle Unicorn,charge!


As the powerful beam was shot the magical bracers combined its power to it making it glow brighter and more powerful.
Just as the beam qas about to hit the beast, Tazma and the twins,Tazma and the twins teleported to their hideout or cave making the beam to only hit the beast.
Them beam of light destroyed the beast into pieces, as it was destroyed the girls cheered and went back home.

Wow 841 words that's a record!

Thank you so much fror reading my story and so sorry for uploading so late!

And as usual

Stay cool people!
Peace out!

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