The Sleepover

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Piper:Why don't you guys have a sleepover here.

Talia:I don't know, we have to train our magic.

Auriana:But Talia! We can train here!

She whined.

Lyna:Yeah,this might be a one in a lifetime chance.

Talia:To what?

Carissa:To have a sleepover with the mysticons! So can we please do it?!

Carissa, Auriana,Lyna:Please!

They said at the same time while making puppy dog eyes at Talia.

Talia:Oh alright.

Carissa, Auriana,Lyna:YAY!THANK YOU TALIA!

Talia:You're welcome.

Arkayna:Malvaron should come here later.


Em:We have training too.

Lyna:So does that mean we can train together?

Talia:Well if it doesn't disturb them.

Arkayna:Don't worry I'm sure non of us will mind.

The others than nod.

Talia:Then okay,we can train together.

Just then Malvaron came in apparently he had been listening to their conversation.

Mal:So I heard your new friends have powers.

They all jumped when he said that.

Arkayna:Don't scare us like that!


Zarya:Anyway,yeah they do.

Mal:What kind?






They all said in unison.

Mal:Okay,So who usually train you guys.

Talia:That would be me.

She said raising her hand.


Talia:Becuse I'm the oldest of the group.

Lyna then clears her throat.

Talia:Oh yeah and Lyna too. We're both sixteen.

Mal:Then you're older than all of us except for Piper.

Piper:Yup!They're all fifteen and I'm 110.(I don't know their real ages)

The princesses gave her shocked expressions.

Em:She's an elf she can have a long life but in elf age she's still kid.

They all said 'Oh'.

Malvaron:So let's get training.

They all nodded.
Malvaron created some orbs as target practice for the mysticons and princesses.
They all started shooting.

Talia:This is not to bad. Crystal Collidum!

She shoots at one of the targets.

Auriana:Why can't we have this, this so much more fun!

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