Getting To Know Each Other

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After the fight they all returned to Iris' where they meet Aunt Ellen watering the flowers.

Iris:Hi Aunt Ellen!

A. Ellen:You girls are back! And I see you brought new friends!

Iris:Aunt Ellen these are Arkayna,Zarya,Em and Piper they just got here so they don't have a house,so can we let them stay at our house?

A.Ellen:Of course you can! Make yourself at home!

The mysticons said thank you to Aunt Ellen and then,with the princesses,went inside to Iris' room.

Piper:I just realized we never got to know each other.

Auriana:Yea, you haven't even met our two other friends.

Arkayna:How about you invite them over so we can get to know each other.

Talia:Great idea, let me just call them.

After she helped them by teleporting them into the room.

Lyna:Hey girls!


Carissa:So who are the new girls?

She said as she point to the mysticons.

Iris:We're just getting there.

Carissa and Lyna then sat next to Iris.

Auriana:Now that we're all here....

Piper&Auriana:Story time!

The others gigled.

Talia:So who'll tell first?

Arkayna:Since this is your realm you guys should go first.

Iris:Alright.So you guys already know that I'm Iris princess of Ephidea.

Talia:Talia princess of Xeris.

Auriana:Auriana princess of Volta.

Carissa:I'm Carissa princess Calix.

Lyna:And I'm Lyna princess of Borealis.

Arkayna:How are you on Earth and not in your own kingdoms?

Iris:Well when I was a baby I was sent here for my safety.

Em:Why?What happened?

Iris:My planet was taken over by Graymor(I don't know how to spell his name) and my parents disappeared....

Em:Oh my goblin, I am so sorry.

Iris:It's ok. Now continuing.

Talia:After a few years me and Auriana were sent here to find her and to train her.

Zarya:How did you guys find her?

Auriana:By hosting a singing competion for a lead singer! So if she has a really powerful voice we know it's her!


Iris:After that we were on a mission to find these powerful gems called Oracle Gems(Did I spell that right?)

Calix:After some time we also helped out and by we I mean me and Lyna.

Piper:Oh yea I forgot to ask, did you guys really make a girl group?

Iris:Yea,we did and we call it Lolirock.

Arkayna:Do you have any concerts?

Talia:Yes we do, in fact after this we're going to practice for tonight's concert and you'll be more than welcome to watch.


Zarya:How about we continue?

Arkayna:Okay,so as you may know my name is Arkayna Goodfey and that I'm princess of our realm Gemina.

Zarya:And I'm Zarya her twin sister also princess of Gemina.

Auriana:Two questions, one why is one wearing a tiara and the other isn't? and two why didn't the book explain that you two are twins?

Zarya:One I DON'T do tiaras.

Arkayna:Two we found out we were twins a while ago.

Talia:How did you find out you were twins?

Zarya:Well we were on a mission to find who Arkayna's twin is then at first we taught it was a girl bame Proxima

Arkayna:After we found out Necrafa quen of the unded capture her and soon captured me then tied us to some sort of pillar defice to hatch a spectral dragon egg but failed.

Em:After some minutes me and Piper came to the rescue freeing Zarya who was traoed by Tazma's dark magic,after I freed her she used her arrows to free Arkayna and Proxima.

Piper:When Arkayna was free she still had her hand on the pillar while Zarya leaned on the other pillar causing her and Arkayna to get pulled by some green magic that hatched the spectral dragon egg abd then when we realised Arkayna and Zarya are twins.

Auriana:Wow that was long. Continue.

Em:Okay,so you guys might know my name is Emerald Goldenbraid and I'm actually well I used to be the royal griffin rangrel.

Piper:And I'm Piper Willowbrook Zarya's friend since we were little and I was her partner in crime and if you ask what that neans we used to steal gold or foods for the kids that don't have any.

Iris:How were tlyou chosen as mysticons?


Arkayna:Yea we are, so anyway we were chosen by the dragon disk.I'm mysticon dragon mage.

Zarya:Mysticon ranger.

Em:Mysticon knight.

Piper:Mysticon striker.

Talia:When we were fighting,what were those animals that came out of your hands?

Zarya:Oh those wer-

Lyna:The mystical bracers!

Carissa:Of the dragon,wolf,unicorn and phoenix!

Arkayna:Wow,you seem to know a lot of things about us.

Carissa:We've been told stories.

Iris:Hey guys how about we go practice for the concert? You guys can watch.

Talia and Auriana nodded.
They then went to practice.

I am so sorry I didn't upload in a long time!!

And as usual

Stay cool people!
Peace out!

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