The Evil Plan

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While the girls were having their sleepover,the twins and Tazma were spying on them with a magical orb.

Mephisto:The mysticons are just children.

Praxina:We're seventeen.

Tazma:And mysticon Dragon Mage and mysticon Ranger are fraternal twin sisters and princeses of Gemina.

The twins looked at her with shocked and confused expressions.

Praxina:But it said that there is only one princess of Gemina.

Tazma sighed.

Tazma:I'll tell you the story.Fifteen years ago the queen had twins that were separated by an astromancer Nova Terron who is now star master. He was sent by his star master to send her to another place where they could not see her again,but Nova Terron couldn't bear it, so he sent her to a secret sanctuary that would keep her safe.But then there was a prophecy that said when the twin stars unite the spectral beast will take flight, at first there was a misunderstanding that the Princess's twin was an astromancer,Proxima Starfall. When me and Queen Necrafa captured both twins we put them on a defice that looked like two pillars,one for each of them. When we placed them on the pillars.When it looked like it already worked, the egg refused. Then,this is what I heard from my little brother, Zarya aka mysticon ranger touched one of the pillar while Arkayna's hand was still touching it, that made the spectral dragon egg hacth,which meant that the princess' twin was in fact Zarya.

The twins sat there in astonishment. Little did they know,Gramorr was listening as well.

Gramorr:Interesting story.

Praxina and Mephisto jumped then faced Gramorr and so did Tazma.

Gramorr:What is your name mage?

Tazma:Tazma Grimm.

Gramorr:What is it with these twins that make them so special?

Tazma:They hold the ring of the twin dragon.

Gramorr:Praxina,Mephisto I want you two to kidnap those twins.

Praxina:My pardon your evilness, but why should we do that?

Gramorr:Because with them we can finally rule over all of Ephidea and maybe even Gemina.

Tazma:Then I would like to help as well.

Gramorr:Very well you three will bring me them to me.

All three of them said yes then the dark crystal dissapeared.

Mephisto:So how are we going to do this?

Tazma:We need to wait until they all asleep.

Praxina:Then we make our move.


Mephisto:Well we should do it now.They're fast asleep.

Tazma:Let's make our move.You better watch out mysticons.

Then they teleported to the palace.
Cliffhanger! (I'm evil)

So sorry I have to end it there and I won't be able to upload in five days because of examinations.I'm really really sorry,but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

As usual
Stay cool people!
Peace out!

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