Chapter 7; Ignorance is Bliss

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It was supposed to be a standard security gig

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It was supposed to be a standard security gig. Each of them charged with covering an exit, or hallway, to make sure that no one came in or out of the building without strict permission. Everything had been going according to plan for the past several hours until an explosion rocked the building and sent everything into pandemonium.

Stations were abandoned as everything went into emergency lock down, all units trying to get towards the target as fast as possible to prepare for whomever activated the bomb. If this had merely been done to gain access to the building then there was no telling what else they had planned.

A familiar tightness had begun to form in Zoro's chest as the explosion started eliciting panicked memories from his time in the army. Explosions distantly ringing in his ears, dust hovering in thick blankets to mask any potential threats, and the screaming of terrorized civilians distantly echoing through the streets. All of it fighting to surface in his mind far more vividly than he could possibly understand as he desperately tried staying focused on the present.

Ducking and weaving through hallways with his rifle poised and at the ready, he slowly made his way from the first floor to the second. Upon nearing the meet point he discovered the south wall was completely breached as the explosion had torn a hole through almost the entire structure. People were clamouring to get out of the building and made it nearly impossible to discern who might be a civilian and who might be a threat.

Pushing onward he found the panic in his chest was steadily growing to the point where he was struggling to breath. Firmly tell himself it was just the dust still hanging in the air from the explosion as he slowed near a corner. Taking in a few deep breaths in order to steady himself before checking if the coast was clear. Standing in the hall, panting heavily as he peered down the sights of his rifle at the empty corridor.

An aggressive hand clamped on his shoulder and Zoro turned in a panic, registering the face of a man he had met in the field once before. Slightly distorted, but quite real; his panic became twofold as he realized he had been in this exact situation with this man before. Only last time it had ended with a gunshot wound to the chest and a couple days in a coma.

For some reason the fear that had not occurred on that day hit him full force, and all at once everything around him began to distort; blackness encroached on the edges of his vision, the world warping and twisting in front of him, and everything around him pulsating with each panicked heartbeat. Breathing became nearly impossible as the rushing in his ears became painfully intense; his senses slowly failing him one by one.

Icy dread gripped his heart as he lashed out at the man immediately, desperate to change the outcome from last time. Luckily catching him off guard and sending him to the ground in one hit. Discarding his gun, Zoro immediately jumped on top of him and pinned his arms with his knees, before rearing back and planting his fist as hard as he could into the man's face.

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