Chapter 18; 'Till Death Do Us Part

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A powerful whistle echoed across the cabin as the train began slowing for its arrival at the station

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A powerful whistle echoed across the cabin as the train began slowing for its arrival at the station. Zoro's eyes cracked open with a grumble as he still hadn't gotten nearly as much sleep as he would have liked. While the second half of the evening had been far more peaceful, the excitement of the first half of the night had left Zoro exhausted. When they had returned to their cabin Zoro had barely even gotten his pants off - far too tired to stress about sharing a bed with the blond - before he was collapsing face first into his pillow with a loud snore.

There were a couple moments as Zoro lay half awake, eyes still closed while the rocking of the train could surely put him back to sleep before a small movement made him aware he was not alone. Eyes sliding open - canopy of the small room coming into focus - he glanced down to find Sanji sprawled next to him. Legs tangled with Zoro's, a hand thrown across his waist, head resting on Zoro's shoulder while snoring softly.

It had been a long time since Zoro had woken up with a weight on his chest and a warm body curled against his side – Kalifa and him had gotten quite used to their separate sides of the bed – and Zoro had forgotten how comforting it was. Glancing down, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of the still sleeping blond and the way his cheek was nuzzled into the dip between Zoro's chest and shoulder.

The last time Sanji had fallen asleep on him, it had been when Zoro was certain that the blond was not his to have, but now everything was different. Now he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was exactly where Sanji wanted to be, and Zoro couldn't have recalled a moment that he had been happier. Even in the wake of his guilt for his wife, he couldn't stop the swelling of happiness in his chest.

For once, he let all of his worries fall to the back of his mind and reached out a tentative hand to run through the mess of blond hair that fell around the sleeping man's face. The silky locks curled and twined between his fingers as he let his hand come to rest on Sanji's shoulder with a few of the tresses still in his grasp. His breathing growing unsteady, he realized it would take nothing to simply turn his head to press a kiss to the sleeping man's forehead.

Zoro's fidgeting seemed to cause Sanji to stir and he watched curiously as the blond's eyelids fluttered lightly before scrunching shut and an adorable frown creased his brow. A languid stretch overtook the man's body as he arched into Zoro before falling back down with a yawn, eyes finally opening to reveal sleepy blue. Hand curling into Zoro's side, Sanji shifted his head slightly and blinked lazily as he hummed, "Hey."

"Hey." Zoro mimicked back, and he couldn't fathom it for the life of him, but of all the things to set him off, it seemed that sleepy smile was going to be it. His embarrassing 'problem' was making itself firmly known as Zoro was just grateful he was on his back and not on his side facing the blond. Subtly propping up a leg, he let it pull the blankets up to hide his lower half as Sanji remained thankfully unaware.

Pushing himself off of Zoro, Sanji sat on the edge of the small bed and stretched again – the lines of his back tightening – hands falling to his hair to ruffle the curls that had become matted from sleep. Tossing a grin over his shoulder at Zoro, he chirped, "Sorry, I'm a cuddler."

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