Chapter 12; You Got Me In Stitches

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"Keep pressure on it!" Sanji reprimanded Zoro for the umpteenth time from the driver's seat as he expertly navigated their car through the downtown night time traffic

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"Keep pressure on it!" Sanji reprimanded Zoro for the umpteenth time from the driver's seat as he expertly navigated their car through the downtown night time traffic. Far more people were out than to be expected, but it seemed Sanji's time driving an ambulance had at least giving him a proclivity for dodging vehicles with imperceptible timing.

"I am!" A sharp turn had Zoro lurching in his seat with a groan of pain, hand readjusting itself as he attempted to apply even more pressure to the wound that had managed to drench his front in blood. Hissing in pain as the pressure against the expanded bullet in his shoulder was far from pleasant. Trying to mask his discomfort,he growled out, "Focus on driving, Curly."

"No, you're not!" Sanji snapped irritably as he took another aggressive turn, wanting to get Zoro back to the safety of the hotel as soon as possible. Casting an annoyed glance Zoro's way, he yelled, "Your front wouldn't be covered in blood if you were doing it properly!"

"Who's been shot before?!" Zoro demanded breathlessly, the road ahead of them swimming in his vision as he fought to stay conscious. The blood loss was beginning to go to his head, and the only thing really helping to keep him present was the infuriating blond on his right who insisted on this petty banter.

"And who's dealt with gunshot victims before?!" Sanji rebuked incredulously as Zoro attempted to add more pressure to the wound, only to concerningly find his arms feeling far too heavy. Soreness starting to fade in the wake of a numbness that was beginning to crawl up his legs, and tingling in the tips of his fingers. An old but familiar sensation. It explained the darkness fighting to take over his vision, and reluctantly had him nervously turning back to Sanji.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Sanji ranted with a frustrated shake of his head, keeping his eyes firmly on the road as he wove the car through traffic at near dangerous speeds, "Getting yourself shot like this. I can't believe you would... I mean who does that..."

"Hey..." Zoro breathed out weakly, the word feeling like it slid out of his mouth with how heavy it had felt to pronounce. Blinking slowly, the street lights behind the blond shimmering and dancing in his fading vision as he murmured on an exhale, "Sa... ji?"

At the mention of his butchered name Sanji actually slowed the car enough to look up at Zoro with a surprised shout, "Wha-- Zoro!"

Judging from the blond's panicked expression Zoro probably looked about as good as he felt. Slumping further over in his seat at the distant sensation of the car jolting to a stop; the pressure of unconsciousness weighing down on his body, darkness invading his vision at a concerning rate until all that remained was the hazy visage of Sanji looming over him.

"Zoro!" Sanji managed sternly, one hand gripping Zoro's shoulder as the other hand came up to turn Zoro's limp head towards him, "Zoro stay with me. C'mon."

Blackness encroached further unto his limited vision and Sanji's words became muffled tones of panicked concern. Body getting increasingly heavier, he found himself unable to even lift a hand to weakly wave off Sanji's hand from where it gripped his shoulder uncomfortably. His last conscious sensation that of Sanji's palm on his face, cradling it gently, as smooth, muffled words followed him into unconsciousness.

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