Chapter 15; Demons

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Getting into the reception had been remarkably – and almost concernedly – easy, considering the high calibre people that were attending

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Getting into the reception had been remarkably – and almost concernedly – easy, considering the high calibre people that were attending. However, with the amount of music and festivities taking place, amongst distant relatives, friends, and colleagues it was fairly simple to slip in unnoticed. If anything was going to give them away, it was the overly enthusiastic blond looking about the large reception with an unabashed gaze of awe.

Keeping the distracted man in tow, Zoro guided them through the large hotel that had been reserved for the event, keeping a keen eye out for the woman Coby had claimed he needed to find. Eventually making their way out into the extravagant garden in an outside courtyard, they found an even larger amount of guests milling about the aesthetically lit area.

Gorgeous flowers and finely trimmed shrubbery boarded the large area and endless amounts of twinkling lights lit up the twilight and cast a magical glow over the entire area. Tables where littered about with guests snacking and sipping on refreshments, multiple catering tables were to the right, and a dance floor took up the rest of the area.

It wasn't long before Zoro spotted the woman they had come to find, surrounded by guests and looking like a vision. Spangles and jewels hung from every inch of her, and the silks of her Lehenga were a vivid crimson that caught the attention of anyone looking in her direction. A finely Henaed hand reached up to swipe a stray strand of hair from her face as she nodded eagerly to the words a friend was speaking to her, eventually tittering in laughter.

Casting a critical look about the area, it seemed best that they didn't draw attention to themselves by both going up to her at once. Not to mention if he was going to get into her good graces it was probably better if he talked to her alone. Zoro began making a beeline for her after muttering to Sanji softly, "Wait here."

"Oi!" Sanji barked loudly, voice still horribly drowned out by the music as he caught Zoro's elbow in a tight grip. Zoro looking back at the blond as he wearily hoped no one had noticed Sanji's slightly panicked tone, "Where are you going?"

Stuck in Sanji's hold, Zoro was forced to turn to look back at the confused blond and mutter cheekily, "To congratulate the bride."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just..." Zoro trailed off, waving a hand about the wedding vaguely, "enjoy yourself."

As Sanji's eyes lit up at the prospect, and Zoro retracted himself from the blond's grip and made his way to Viola. Due to the crowd he wasn't too nervous about letting Sanji wander, and thankfully at this point the blond knew not to go off anywhere alone.

Managing to slowly make his way through the crowd swarming the bride, it wasn't long before her gracious attention was turned to Zoro. Offering his hand to her congenially, as he crooned pleasantly, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Taking his hand, she returned the greeting as her cheerful eyes slid shut in a charming smile. However when they opened once more, there was a sharpness to them. Her gripped tightened only for a moment in a threatening manner before releasing entirely as she murmured, "What can I do for you?"

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