Epilogue; A Simple Life

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One Year Later

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One Year Later...

Sun flitted through the drapes that shuddered lazily in the summer breeze humming through the open window and bathing the two sleeping men in a warm glow. Zoro blearily blinking awake as his schedule now had him sleeping in long after the sun had risen and even longer still on the days Sanji happened to work a night shift and came to bed at ridiculous hours. Giving a heavy groan, he rolled over to find Sanji curled into his pillow with a blissful expression on his face, and a dumb smile worked its way onto Zoro's.

It had been almost a year, and yet he still wasn't tired by the sight of Sanji every morning when he awoke. Wavy hair a haphazard mess that fell into his face and took on a magnificent golden glow when the morning light came in through the window to filter through the tresses. Unable to stop his hand from reaching out and carding through the locks in adoration and brush them back from the man's face; exposing his handsome features and the stubble that had come in overnight to decorate his jaw.

Sanji stirred lightly, and Zoro leaned in to press a kiss to the blond's still slack lips, pulling away to watch as the sleep dazed man only just recognized the sensation and tilted his jaw up to return the kiss that had already ended. Giving a soft chuckle, Zoro leaned back in to press a chaste kiss to Sanji's forehead and murmured, "Just going for a run."

"'ll c'me; g've me tw' min's." Sanji mumbled out in a daze, body not moving in the slightest as it was clear the blond was mostly speaking on instinct.

"Sleep." Zoro ordered with a laugh, "Idiot."

"Sh't uhp." Sanji grumbled as he turned his face into his pillow, passing out before he even finished his response. Sun bathed his back as a soft snore could already be heard from the exhausted man. Lately, Sanji's schedule had been pretty regular, but every once in a while he worked a night shift or a double and would end up sleeping late into the afternoon to recover properly.

Giving a final kiss to the mess of blond hair, Zoro pushed himself out of bed and walked directly past the alarm clock that he didn't even bother looking at. Snatching a pair of shorts out of his closet, he headed to the gym they had set up in a spare room down stairs, casually going through his workout routine as late morning sun shone in through the window and illuminated the room.

Finishing up rather quickly before heading to the kitchen and chugging back several glasses of water before digging through the cupboards under the sink to pull out the dog food. Filling up a bowl by the fridge, and topping up the water dish, he gave a soft whistle through his teeth and called, "Wado."

Soft padding of paws on the hardwood announced the arrival of the older dog as she rounded the corner and came trotting over with a happy smile and exuberant tail wag. Stopping and falling onto her haunches as Zoro dropped down to give her some affectionate pats, "Good morning, girl."

She gave a content grumble before turning away and making for her dish, digging in as Zoro pushed himself to his feet and went back to the other two dishes. Filling them up and balancing them on his arm as he kicked the cupboard closed and asked absently, "Boys still outside, huh?"

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