Not doing work

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"Yyyyyooooooooonnnnnggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiii~" I called out annoyingly causing Yoongi to smile trying to ignore me again.

Ever since he confessed to me on stage he'd started burying himself in some musical project never really being able to be pulled away from it by the members.

His work ethic was constant because he enjoyed it but because of how much he did he never really got a break.

So of course after travelling for hours to see him and spend the weekend with him I'd try my best to distract him because he deserved a break too.

I'd been there for about two hours and all we did was eat together in the car on the way to genius studio and then sit in his fancy office together.

I'd been there many times before but it still amazed me.

What also amazed me was how persistent my boyfriend was.

He knew I wanted to spend time with him but he'd carry on pretending to work anyways, I knew he wasn't working because I'd gotten used to seeing the differences.

So since it wasn't real work I may as well distract him.

After getting no response other than a smile that he tried to hide I got up from my chair and stood behind him glancing at his blank screen.

"I see how it is." I said pouting and turning away from him purposely keeping up the annoying act because I knew he found it cute - to be fair it was cute but it was annoying to do because I somehow still had my dignity.

He chuckled before hugging my waist and pulling me down into his lap in which I just faced away from him - trying to hide my obvious blush because I was still a shy bean.

"How do you expect me to work when you keep acting so damn cute?" Yoongi asked squeezing me tighter and resting his head in the nape of my neck.

"If your not working then spend time with your number one fan." I said crossing my arms leaning my head on his.

"I would but I can't." He said chuckling again then kissing my neck lightly causing me to blush.

I rolled my eyes knowing what was coming trying to prevent it saying "I swear Min Yoongi If you say-"

"My number one fan broke so now I'm stuck with air con." Yoongi said smiling into my neck.

I chuckled before complaining "It wasn't even funny. Your joke are worse than Jinnnnsss....."

"Well done Sherlock, you've finally discovered that kind jokes are bad just not as bad as mine." Yoongi teased causing me to sigh.

"Why are we here Yoongi?" I asked giving up remembering how Yoongi had promised to me that we weren't going to do anything work based.

That boy was up to something but then again when is he not.

Yoongi chuckled before kissing my cheek and saying "Twenty more minutes princess then we can go."

"Ughhhhhh." I said allowed before complaining "I thought we weren't gonna be one of those couples that use pet names."

Yoongi chuckled again kissing my cheek twice then staring "We already are sweet heart."

"You really are a pain." I complained not really meaning it which Yoongi knew - honestly if he didn't by now I'd be shocked.

He corrected "Your pain." Causing me to sigh and lean back into his chest.

Stanned: Memories - Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now