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We entered the doctor's office for my appointment.

"Good afternoon, Wentz.", he greeted us, my mum and I both smile. Patrick was with us, he agreed to come. It made me happy.

My mum and I sat down on the chairs offered by.. I can't read his name. Nonetheless, we sat down and Patrick just stood.

"So, has he been taking his medications, miss Wentz?", he asked.

"Yes, sir. Though, it seems like he's made an.. unrealistic friend.", my mum sighed, patting me on the back.

"Don't worry, miss Wentz. It's normal for children to make imaginary friends. Has he made any friends at school?"

"Have you, Peter?", my mum asked me, I shook my head. "He hasn't, so far. He doesn't like talking to anyone as well, except for this friend."

"Oh, so I see. Peter, can you tell me where Patrick is right now?"

I pointed at my side. Patrick smiled at me, and so did the doctor. He faced Patrick, then asked him. "How long have you and Peter been friends?"

"About 3 years, since he was six.", he said as I fixed my eyes on him. I repeated, if in case the doctor didn't hear. "He said; 3 years. Ever since I was 6."

The doctor nodded. My mum looked at him, a worried expression on her face.

"3 years? That's a long time. Have you ever fought with each other?", he turned his look to me. I shook my head, "Well, sometimes, but it's really petty fights.", and I smile sheepishly. The doctor giggles. He handed my mum a note.

"Here you go, miss Wentz. He'll probably forget about Patrick once he's a teenager.", my mum nodded at the doctor's remark. "Patrick is real, and we're gonna be friends forever.", I interrupted both of them.

"Now, now, Pete. Patrick is real. But you just have to let go, sometimes.", she smiled, patting my back. I don't believe her. I never believed anyone, except for Patrick. He's the only one who understands me.

"I won't, and you can't convince me that he isn't.", I stood up, grabbing Patrick by the hand and went out of the office with him. We ran to the playground, where we first met.

"I won't let them do that.", I was slouching, weeping, crying, beside Patrick as he wraps me in his arms. "I hate them.", I add. He hushed me.

"I'm real.", he hugs me. It was the best hug I've ever had. He gives the best hugs that even my mum can't provide me. "I know.", I sob, slightly smiling as I looked at him. He wiped my tears, hushing me as my smile grew brighter.

"Have I ever t-told you..", I averted my gaze to the ground, stuttering as I had trouble breathing.


"I love you, Patrick.", I looked at him, then hugged him. "And I don't want you to go.", I sobbed again, staining his shirt with my tears. He pats me on the back, comforting me.

I swear, he's the best person I've ever met. I would rather throw my toys away than to let him go.

I love Patrick.

- -

"Patrick is just a coping mechanism, Peter!"

"No, he isn't!", my mum and I argued. I stomped my foot to prove a point.

"He is! You have schizophrenia, Peter!", she got closer to me, pointed at me with her finger.

I was enraged.

"He's real, and I can prove it to you!"

"Oh, yeah, young man? Where is he?", mum crossed her arms.

"He was there when you weren't."
"He was there when I needed you, but you weren't."
"He was there when everything troubled me."
"He was there when you and Pa were fighting, comforting me."

"P-peter..", my mum parted her lips.

"Shut up! You basically left me, not physically, but mentally!", I turned my back on her.

"He was there.. when I wanted a hug from a mother."

"Turns out, his hugs were better.", I scoff, then head out to my room. My mum tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. I really do hope that she's realized what she's done to me, and what she had made me experience.

I jump on my bed, tugging the blankets and sleeping under them.

God, I really wish Patrick was here.

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